Cannot upgrade to Windows 10

I thought if you used the "/migratedrivers none" switch on setup.exe, no drivers would be migrated, and I have even tried that... this is the command I have tried:
setup.exe" /auto upgrade /compat IgnoreWarning /dynamicupdate disable /showoobe none /migratedrivers none
hmmm... I tried to remove all the printers, and even as admin, cannot remove the one assigned by group policy, so I am going to have to remove it from that machine in group policy... I wonder if that is what's causing the issue on all these?
I have removed all AMD and NVIDIA drivers, disabled the video device and audio device... still fails during migration.
Thank you.

Step#1 - FRST Fix
NOTICE: This script was written specifically for this user, for use on that particular machine. Running this on another machine may cause damage to your operating system
1. Please download Farbar Recovery Scan Tool and save it to your Desktop.
Note: You need to run the 64-bit Version so please ensure you download that one.
2. Download the attached fixlist.txt and save it to the Desktop.
Note. It's important that both files, FRST64 and fixlist.txt are in the same location or the fix will not work (in this case...the desktop).
3. Run FRST64 by Right-Clicking on the file and choosing Run as administrator.
4. Press the Fix button just once and wait. If for some reason the tool needs a restart, please make sure you let the system restart normally. After that let the tool complete its run.
5. When finished FRST64 will generate a log on the Desktop (Fixlog.txt). Please post the contents of it in your reply.


I haven't tried that fixlist yet, but after much to do, we have discovered that these machines (at least 1 anyway) will upgrade with a 1607 ISO; however, the update from 1607 to 1809 takes forever.
At the same time, we were able to upgrade another to W8.1, then to 1909 in MUCH less time.
Holy COW!! That did it!! Now, the question is whether or not all the umpteen thousand other things I did to that machine helped, or if it was just your last fixlist.txt???
What exactly did it do? Is that last one safe for me to run on a few other machines at this site to see if it - alone -works on them as well?
So, can we just rename, delete, or move that folder - or the files therein with a script or batch file prior to running setup?
And is this a good run line:
setup.exe /auto upgrade /compat IgnoreWarning /dynamicupdate disable /showoobe none
I do not ever run any parameters on setup.exe, so I can't comment on that, but if the machines are identical in terms of software and thereby the error code you get, by all means, delete the folder with a batch.

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