COMCTL32.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error. Help!

Hey, Ill be sitting at the PC till about 6:30PM EST tonight. Thank you again for trying to help me.


I extracted the zip to desktop which created a folder called fix. Then I went in that folder and took the fixlist.txt file and x86 folder out and put it on desktop next to the FRST64 program and ran it.


Can you confirm that you have the following folder on your system? C:\Windows\winsxs\
Hey just so you know I just got an error now relating to that folder out of no where.
ChkDsk Repair
1. Click your Start Orb in the lower left of your computer and type cmd in the search box.
2. Once the cmd program is found, right-click on it with your mouse and select Run as administrator
3. Answer Yes when asked to allow.
4. You should now have a black window open that you can type in to.
5. Please type chkdsk /R and then press enter. Note: There is a space after the command chkdsk and before the forward slash
6. You will get a prompt telling you chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use. Answer Y and hit enter to schedule the run at next boot.
7. Reboot your computer and chkdsk will run. Let it complete please.

8. Download ListChkdskResult.exe by SleepyDude and save it on your desktop. If it's already downloaded to your desktop, just skip this step.
9. Right-click this file and select Run as administrator (Allow if prompted)and a text file will open (and also be saved on the desktop as ListChkdskResult.txt).
Please copy the contents of this file and paste into your next post.
ok so it stopped at 28% then restarted and gave me this screen:
then when i went to start it up again it said check disk was 100%

Then I tried to open the listChkdsk program and got this:

Im heading into work now, Ill be back in the AM. Please leave me the next step if there is one and I will do it when I get home. Thanks.

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