Congratulations to JCGriff2 on his MVP Renewal

Was there ever any doubt? {I think not.}
Good on you "Griff."
He is the site owner, Tom, and the creator of the BSOD File Collection app that is used not only here but at many other forums for obtaining the information needed in order to help users with BSOD's. John was here earlier and will be around later but has been extremely busy lately so his time has been a bit limited.
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He is the site owner, Tom, and the creator of the BSOD File Collection app that is used not only here but at many other forums for obtaining the information needed in order to help users with BSOD's. John was here earlier and will be around later but has been extremely busy lately so his time has been a bit limited.

That makes total, and complete sense now. :)
John is actually ill and in the process of moving so he is a little tied up.

As Corrine said above he should be back shortly just not nearly as active as usual.

Regardless, Congrats John. We all told you your worrying was for nothing :thumbsup2:
Congratulations! Another year for you John, as always a well deserved prestigious award. :rose:

Sorry, I'm late to your party 'again'.


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