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[SOLVED] DPC ndis.sys computer freezing when browser is loading


Feb 13, 2014
For some time now my computer has been stuttering/freezing whenever a browser is loading a website. I have tried just about everything to fix this, updated all my drivers scanned for malicious programs. I googled it and eventually found some ways to debug it which is when i found latencymon which showed me ndis.sys and others were having very high execution time of around 10-50ms. I tried just about everything I could find on the subject and after I removed Killer Network suit and replaced it with a bloatware free network drivers it kinda fixed the issue as I am not only getting around 5-20ms.

I found a t utorial on this website about debugging and fixing high DPC latency issues and so far it has not helped I ran a trace and compressed it as it is quite big: http://vapid.se/jerry/trace.rar

Hopefully this will help someone out there help me debug and fix the problem as I am out of ideas after weeks of trying to solve this. My computer is not that old(about 6 months) and it used to be lightning fast. Here are the specs: http://speccy.piriform.com/results/pFssQYSnmPVVkaU7bCYTPJo

If there is anything else I should provide please let me know.
Also Latencymon is reporting that the measured CPU Speed is 297mhz out of Reported 3400mhz. although CPU-Z and my motherboard control center is reporting a normal speed. Also memory speed was reported at 1333mhz(667) though that was because bios update had reset settings. Turned XMP(?) on and it is now back to 1600mhz(800). Though I doubt this has any impact on my problem.

Sorry for delay replying.

Could you please generate a new XPERF trace using the following command? It seems like the one you attached does not contain enough information:

xperf -on PROC_THREAD+LOADER+PROFILE+INTERRUPT+DPC+DRIVERS+POWER+IDLE_STATES -stackwalk Profile -BufferSize 1024 -MinBuffers 256 -MaxBuffers 256 -MaxFile 256 -FileMode Circular

Thank you so much for taking your time Tomas. I ran the command and got a message that I had to edit the registry for KLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management DisablePagingExecutive to 1 from 0 to enable 64 bit something. I did this and now every time I run the command I get a bluescreen.

After the first time I ran the command I got a bluescreen with bug check string "PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA" so I decided I should check my ram after some time on google. So I ran memtest86+ on each of my two 4gb sticks with 4 passes each.

One stick reported 1 error the other reported 0 errors so I believe I have one faulty memory stick.

I don't know if my original problem is related to the supposedly faulty ram but I am going to replace both of them with the ram from my old build which was fine last time I tested them and run the test again.

So if you get to look at this before I report back with the new trace do you perhaps know if the problem could be related to something else? Because I have not had a single bluescreen until I changed the registry value for "
Okay so new memory is installed and ran the command for a few minutes and no blue screen. After a restart it would take an hour or more before the computer would start freezing when browsing the internet so now I will just have to wait. Though I am running latency mon atm and it is still reporting a very high pagefault resolution time. It is currently at µs 149997,986176 though it was not in any way interrupting any audio playback or freezing up my computer so maybe it is normal?

anyway will report back with a trace if it starts freezing up.
Thank you so much for taking your time Tomas. I ran the command and got a message that I had to edit the registry for KLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management DisablePagingExecutiveto 1 from 0 to enable 64 bit something. I did this and now every time I run the command I get a bluescreen.

After the first time I ran the command I got a bluescreen with bug check string "PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA" so I decided I should check my ram after some time on google. So I ran memtest86+ on each of my two 4gb sticks with 4 passes each.

One stick reported 1 error the other reported 0 errors so I believe I have one faulty memory stick.

I don't know if my original problem is related to the supposedly faulty ram but I am going to replace both of them with the ram from my old build which was fine last time I tested them and run the test again.

So if you get to look at this before I report back with the new trace do you perhaps know if the problem could be related to something else? Because I have not had a single bluescreen until I changed the registry value for "[/FONT][/COLOR]DisablePagingExecutive."

That's strange - I've never seen BSODs starting after modifying that registry key. Do you think you could run Sysnative jcgriff2 BSOD File Collection app and attach its results here? It might show what exactly caused these crashes and it will also provide more information about your system, which will help troubleshooting DPC issues.

Okay so new memory is installed and ran the command for a few minutes and no blue screen. After a restart it would take an hour or more before the computer would start freezing when browsing the internet so now I will just have to wait. Though I am running latency mon atm and it is still reporting a very high pagefault resolution time. It is currently at µs 149997,986176 though it was not in any way interrupting any audio playback or freezing up my computer so maybe it is normal?

anyway will report back with a trace if it starts freezing up.

OK, if you notice playback issues, please run XPERF and generate a trace. Please make sure you're stopping (xperf -stop -d C:\CPU.etl) after a minute or two, once you are sure there were glitches - do not leaving XPERF running for extensive periods of time.
So the freezing started again but when ever I try to run the command I get a bsod.

I have attached the bsod report, I am still working on the trace.

I have requested new ram to replace the ones I had first so once I get them I should be able to run a trace. I am getting IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL as a bug code now and from my experience that means faulty ram so most likely one of the sticks I switched to is probably also faulty. Which is weird since they both passed 4 passes each. I should probably run the memory test for longer but It's rather slow and I need my computer to be online as much as possible. Should hopefully get the new ram soon!
[h=1][/h]Again thanks for the help. The high DPC execution times have bothered me for so long I was about to give up and live with it. And ever since I built the computer I have not had a single bsod until I ran the trace with the new arguments. So hopefully it is all connected and it is something that is easy to fix without having to change a bunch of expensive parts.


I somehow doubt these crashes are caused by faulty RAM module(s). Both crashes are related to USB devices, and one of the dumps has ladfGSRamd64.sys driver on the call stack. This driver belongs to your Logitech G430 USB headphones. Could you please download and install the latest driver for these headphones?

In addition, could you please try using the following XPERF command instead (removing DRIVERS keyword):

xperf -on PROC_THREAD+LOADER+PROFILE+INTERRUPT+DPC+POWER+IDLE_STATES -stackwalk Profile -BufferSize 1024 -MinBuffers 256 -MaxBuffers 256 -MaxFile 256 -FileMode Circular
I was able to run a trace using the new command but the report was far too big so I uploaded it to my FTP here: vapid.se/lolwut/CPU.rar I have also updated the drivers though I have not noticed any improvements as of yet.
Thanks for the trace.

It seems that aswNdisFlt.sys NDIS filter driver, which is part of avast! Antivirus, is behind these stutters and freezes you reported.

As a temporary workaround, to confirm if this driver is causing the issues, you can do the following:
  1. Press Win+R to open Run prompt.
  2. Type NCPA.CPL and press Enter.
  3. Right click on your Killer e2200 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller (NDIS 6.20) #2 adapter and select Properties.
  4. Deselect avast! Filtering NDIS driver (or something similar) and click OK.
  5. Reboot the computer (might not be necessary, but just to be sure).
After either disabling the driver and confirming the issue is resolved or by skipping the workaround part, do one of the following as a long-term solution:
By the way, Logitech G430 USB headphones driver update I suggested earlier was to get rid of the bluescreens you were getting, not to resolve the issues with DPCs.
So I disabled Avast filtering and did not notice any difference. So I just removed avast completely and I could instantly notice a difference. You are a genius Tomas! I will try and re-install avast and hopefully that will work, or I will have wasted my money... Again thank you so much! I have been plauged by this for months and it is such a relief to finally being able to use my computer again.

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