I found two dump files which were corrupt in my recent analysis. I have attached them below -
View attachment 9783
WinDBG is spitting up Parameter is incorrect. The dump files are not visible at all in BlueScreenView. These dump files (which are corrupt) should be deleted IMO. I wonder what causes such corruptions?:noideaMaybe Disk Driver not being able to save the Dump file properly? )
I tried the method suggested by you and it worked correctly. I think the dialog box needs to be edited to suggest the proper information with the "NO" Option as well.
Also, I have seen the "Update Available" popping up many times during my normal use of the system even when the App was closed. I tried finding the app in the currently running processes and services but I was not able to find any. Nor I was able to find any Task Scheduler Entries for the app. I have noticed that this window pops up regularly for like around 10 days and then not for a month and then repeats again. The period of the window is vague but it has a similar pattern.
Thanks Mike!:rose:
Alright, nothing I can do about the defective .dmps since I would be hesitant to leave that decision to the apps. They are missing the header information, which is why they fail to load with the apps and probably why they fail to load in WinDBG. I could delete any .dmp files left over in the end, but I do not think that would be a responsible way to handle it in case users had saved .dmps that they did not want analyzed, added .dmps after processing started, etc.
As to the error message with the DRT download, I have made the following change:

I am not sure why you are receiving the update notification even when the apps are not running. I have not experienced that on any of my test systems. Is anyone else experiencing the same behavior?
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