The BSOD bugcheck was 7E while running WDV.
The memory dump debugging displayed no misbehaving drivers.
Continue running Windows driver verifier for another 12 hours with the many customized tests.
For any BSOD upload logs.
Then turn off the tool and perform the following tests:
Run Memtest86 version 8.4 (or newer version if available) for four passes.
Repeat the test so that eight passes are performed.
MemTest86 - Official Site of the x86 Memory Testing Tool
Use a camera or smart phone camera to take pictures and post images into the thread.
In case there are any problems uploading images use share links (one drive, drop box, or google drive)
Memtest86 has a feature to produce a text report.
Please post this in addition to the images.
Run FurMark - GPU Stress Test Windows 10 Performance Maintenance Tutorials
FurMark - GPU Stress Test Windows 10 Performance Maintenance Tutorials:
FurMark - GPU Stress Test
Please make note of the importance of temperature monitoring and aborting the test in the GPU link.
a) Record the maximum temperature and post the maximum temperature into the thread.
b) Record the test duration and post the uninterrupted test duration into the thread.
c) Aim for testing 1 hour.
d) Use the Microsoft snipping tool to post images into the thread.
Take Screenshot in Windows 10 Windows 10 General Tips Tutorials
Take Screenshot in Windows 10