How to bat file in cmd command


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2018
For a program's setting change, I have to go to the relevant directory and run a code 3 times.

For this I have to go under cd C:\ProgramFiles\eyup\bin\admincmd and run the command in quotes "adprex.exe -rareadconfig" 2 times.

I want to write this as a bat file, how can I do it?

cd C:\ProgramFiles\eyup\bin\admincmd>adprex.exe -rareadconfig

Or should it be

cd C:\ProgramFiles\eyup\bin\admincmd
adprex.exe -rareadconfig
If, by "C:\ProgramFiles", you're really referring to "C:\Program Files", that can be referenced with the %ProgramFiles% environment variable. Note that we have to encase "%_bin%" in quotes because there's a whitespace in "Program Files".
@echo off

set _bin=%ProgramFiles%\eyup\bin\admincmd\adprex.exe
"%_bin%" -rareadconfig
"%_bin%" -rareadconfig

However, if you truly do have something installed in "C:\ProgramFiles", you'll need a slight adjustment. In this case, %_bin% doesn't need to be encased in quotes since there are no whitespaces in the path, but, at the same time, encasing it in quotes will still work and wouldn't hurt anything.
@echo off

set _bin=C:\ProgramFiles\eyup\bin\admincmd\adprex.exe
%_bin% -rareadconfig
%_bin% -rareadconfig

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