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install/reinstall wordpad

Hi Maxstar,
thanks for your answer.
Here is the content of the file:

    Wrap    REG_DWORD    0x0
    ShowStatusBar    REG_DWORD    0x1
    ShowRuler    REG_DWORD    0x1
    Units    REG_DWORD    0x1
    Maximized    REG_DWORD    0x0
    FrameRect    REG_BINARY    7D0000007D000000B5040000EE020000
    PageMargin    REG_BINARY    08070000A005000008070000A0050000
    PrintPageNum    REG_DWORD    0x1
    DefaultFormat    REG_DWORD    0x5

Cheers mike
Only the "wrap" value differs, could you please try the following command in an elevated prompt to see what happens after a reboot?
reg add HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Wordpad\Options /v Wrap /t REG_DWORD /d 0x2 /f
well if i enable wrap, it wraps either at the window edge or at the ruler edge.
but this is not my setting i use. i do not wrap reading log files with long lines.
wrapping does not solve this bug.

the bug is still that the horizontal slider and horizontal right arrow do not act in the same manner.

cheers mike
I know that, but just to rule out some issues I tried this first to see what would be happen!

Do you have the same problem when you create a new user account? If so it must be a different setting or modification which is causing this issue.

Please check the following key as well to see if an subkey Options exists.
Hi Maxstar,
under HKLM this folder did not exist.
I created it with the same settings like in HKCU but this did not change anything.
In another user account nothing changes either.

I found this problem working with autoit what i use to write programs.
I have in autoit an editor using richedit and the problem occured there.
in the autoit i was told to look if it also happens in wordpad, which also uses richedit.
and this was the case. so they told me to reinstall wordpad.
but i did not find an option to reinstall it.
we have the same problem on 5 computers.

Just to inform you about the circumstances.

cheers mike
is the same problem with Wordpad also happen on your system?
Which system are you running?
Cheers mike
I don't have any issues with Wordpad, and Windows 7 is running as a VM on an Hyper-V server.
No, I suppose it is a problem related to a specific program or modification. What you could try is to setup a new VM or system with the same software to see if you can reproduce this issue to find out what could be the issue.
yes, i have to do quite a lot of analyzing.
it's sure a richedit issue, cause it's only happening with programs using richedit.
lot of thanks for your patience.
cheers mike
Hi again,

although no solution so far.

After googling around,
as far as I see richedit is delivered by windows7 via msftedit.dll.

That means that wordpad and autoit (richedit) work with this dll.
If something is broken for both, it must be this dll.

If so, how to fix it?

Here is the version info of this file:

FILEVERSION 5,41,21,2510
BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
BLOCK "000004b0"
VALUE "Comments", "MsftEdit Version 4.1"
VALUE "CompanyName", "Microsoft Corporation"
VALUE "FileDescription", "Rich Text Edit Control, v4.1"
VALUE "FileVersion", ""
VALUE "InternalName", "MsftEdit"
VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright © Microsoft Corp. 1997-2008."
VALUE "OriginalFilename", "MsftEdit.dll"
VALUE "ProductName", "Microsoft RichEdit Control, version 4.1"
VALUE "ProductVersion", "4.1"

BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
VALUE "Translation", 0x0000 0x04B0

Thanks for assistance

Cheers mike

Could you please post the result of the following command to check the hash value of this file.
certutil -hashfile C:\Windows\System32\msftedit.dll SHA256

This is the hash of the file on my VM:
Rich (BB code):
SHA256 hash of file C:\Windows\System32\msftedit.dll:
e1 5e d4 fe fc 30 10 c2 13 69 43 31 dd fd c0 37 67 68 23 25 c8 98 d7 73 ab 24 3e 2d c8 b0 84 61
CertUtil: -hashfile command completed successfully.
Hi Maxstar,

thanks for your answer. Here is the result (in german)
SHA256-Hash der Datei C:\Windows\System32\msftedit.dll:
e1 5e d4 fe fc 30 10 c2 13 69 43 31 dd fd c0 37 67 68 23 25 c8 98 d7 73 ab 24 3e 2d c8 b0 84 61
CertUtil: -hashfile-Befehl wurde erfolgreich ausgeführt.
Cheers mike
yes I had tried this already and it's the same.

it's really a nightmare, that the slider stops at the end of line and the arrow not.
i cannot find a logical explanation for that.

i have to keep on searching.

cheers mike
Do you have the same problems with Notepad, if so let's take a look at another registry key with the following command.
reg query "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Notepad" /s > "%userprofile%\desktop\notepad.txt"

Rich (BB code):
    iWindowPosX    REG_DWORD    0x74
    iWindowPosY    REG_DWORD    0xd1
    iWindowPosDX    REG_DWORD    0x3d5
    iWindowPosDY    REG_DWORD    0x256
Hi Maxstar,
no Notepad works fine.

The problem is definitively only for rich text editors without wordwrap.
That means in word I cannot have this problem, cause word only allows wordwrap.

Cheers mike

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