Internet Explorer 11 install fail - 9C59


Feb 20, 2018
I have a computer that has failed since 2015 (I have recently started working for another company and nobody has done anything about the failed updates on many machines and I am now trying to sort them, the machine is also on WSUS)

I have run CheckSUR , SFC Fix and they picked up nothing (Logs attached). I looked in the IE11_main.log and found that

"WMI query for Hotfixes timed out. Query string: 'Select HotFixID from Win32_QuickFixEngineering WHERE HotFixID="KB2729094"' Error: 0x00040004 (262148). 00:49.671: INFO: KB2729094 could not be download is not installed. (KB2729094 is installed)

So I ran the script below...

Get-WmiObject -Query 'Select HotFixID from Win32_QuickFixEngineering WHERE HotFixID="KB2729094"'

...before the manual install of IE11, and the error went and then I got a new error "Setup exit code: 0x00009C59 (40025) - The neutral cab failed to install.".

More Googling and I come across a solution below to use DISM to add the packages IE11-neutral.Extracted and IE11-neutral.downloaded from the temp file which is created when you manually install IE11. Alot of people seemed to have sucess.

(Solved) IE11 Install Problem: Neutral package installation failed (exit code = 0x00003715 (14101)) and Setup exit code: 0x00009C59 (40025) | Jingyang Li
It got to 65.9% then gave me the error "Microsoft-Windows-InternetExplorer-Package-TopLevel Error: 0x80070002 I get this for both neutral and downloaded files
dism result neutral.PNG

I then googled this error and all I got was massive amounts of generic websites saying download this software to fix update issues.
Any help would be appricated as I am out of ideas.

Due to the size of CBS file I have uploaded all the log files to my Google Drive.
WBY-EDU-D19 Logs - Google Drive
ChechSUR + Persist

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I have just done a check on them and it appears 2533623 is not installed. When I goto install it manually I get update is not applicable.
No, it just said an error has occured, not all updates were installed. I Uninstalled it from "Program and Features>Installed updates"

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