The call stack will almost always be empty on Stop 0x109's, best to check the entire thread stack using either !dpx (part of PDE) or using dps with the thread's address range.
honestly, i guess you did it as i did before of course
0: kd> !dpx
Start memory scan : 0xfffffb04c5f40fd8 ($csp)
End memory scan : 0xfffffb04c5f42000 (Kernel Stack Base)
r9 : 0xffff940993ad6970 : 0xfffff805165abae0 : Ntfs!NtfsFsdCreate
0xfffffb04c5f40ff8 : 0xffff940993ad6970 : 0xfffff805165abae0 : Ntfs!NtfsFsdCreate
A few days before we had a similar constellation, you remember?