Just updated from 7 to 10 and getting random 0x00000109 blue screens

The call stack will almost always be empty on Stop 0x109's, best to check the entire thread stack using either !dpx (part of PDE) or using dps with the thread's address range.

honestly, i guess you did it as i did before of course
0: kd> !dpx
Start memory scan  : 0xfffffb04c5f40fd8 ($csp)
End memory scan    : 0xfffffb04c5f42000 (Kernel Stack Base)

                r9 : 0xffff940993ad6970 : 0xfffff805165abae0 : Ntfs!NtfsFsdCreate
0xfffffb04c5f40ff8 : 0xffff940993ad6970 : 0xfffff805165abae0 : Ntfs!NtfsFsdCreate
thats it, dps limit / base gives not more useful info (did not run it on any dump), or did not here, so the best candidate for ntfs is Daemontools / Alcohol.
A few days before we had a similar constellation, you remember?
although asiotools are a terrible Suite causing errors and i liked them to remove because Win10 can do it better, the failure here may have gone if you unsinstall either of them, Suite or Alcohol or whatever. The Minidumps can't tell who is at what position in the chain, NTFS-dependent was a shot🤔
although asiotools are a terrible Suite causing errors and i liked them to remove because Win10 can do it better, the failure here may have gone if you unsinstall either of them, Suite or Alcohol or whatever. The Minidumps can't tell who is at what position in the chain, NTFS-dependent was a shot🤔

Thank you, Michael.

I was just curious if there was a clear-cut and decisive [probable] cause between the two drivers.

I certainly know that each is capable of BSOD'ing a system on its own, but wasn't sure what happens if/when they team up (both are loaded into RAM and running/executing).

As you can imagine from past experiences, asacpi.sys caught my attention immediately when I glanced at the loaded driver listing, sorted alphabetically, especially with the 2012 timestamp on it and all of the BSODs from Vista and Windows 7 came flooding back into my mind and therefore I became so focused on it -- that I missed the presence of sptd.sys completely. I'd like to think that I would have spotted it had BSODs continued after update and/or removal of the Asus ATK0110 utility set (asacpi.sys).

I've left the computer on for around 2 days now and no crashes to speak of. Looks like it was the Asus drivers wreaking havoc. Thanks so much guys!
This is great news to hear that you've gone 2 whole days without any BSODs.

Please keep us posted at least one or two more times as time passes, if you don't mind.

Regards. . .


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