Here is the procmon log: Partage de gros fichier - Page de téléchargement
I hope it'll be useful, because I saw I didn't mentioned one thing: in fact, the PC reboots 2 times:
- the first time is "hand made" by the user, when the update install prompts to reboot.
- Before shutting down, Win tells it makes some configuration, then close.
- The PC restarts and then comes the message about installing updates. The progress of the installation increases, up to 96%, where it fails.
- it begins then to "rewind" the installation and... it reboots the PC
- during this second reboot, the "erasing update" messages displays anew, the PC seems stuck for a while, then comes to life again.
So, I'm not really sure of what procmon could capture, whether it's only the last reboot or if it caught both. Anyway, it's BIG!
I hope it'll be useful, because I saw I didn't mentioned one thing: in fact, the PC reboots 2 times:
- the first time is "hand made" by the user, when the update install prompts to reboot.
- Before shutting down, Win tells it makes some configuration, then close.
- The PC restarts and then comes the message about installing updates. The progress of the installation increases, up to 96%, where it fails.
- it begins then to "rewind" the installation and... it reboots the PC
- during this second reboot, the "erasing update" messages displays anew, the PC seems stuck for a while, then comes to life again.
So, I'm not really sure of what procmon could capture, whether it's only the last reboot or if it caught both. Anyway, it's BIG!