Already update...
I'am going to connect my CPU with a 8 + 4 pins connector, for the moment it only have a 8 pin connector. And I need to have a CPU core speed fixed to 3.7. This is also a joke with Ryzen 2700x, why is it so complicated to do that ?
After that the last solution I think will be to buy an AMD card... There is something in my configuration that is making things wrong for the latency. When I launch Latencymoon without any sound, DPC is already 622 with Nvidia...
I'am going to connect my CPU with a 8 + 4 pins connector, for the moment it only have a 8 pin connector. And I need to have a CPU core speed fixed to 3.7. This is also a joke with Ryzen 2700x, why is it so complicated to do that ?
After that the last solution I think will be to buy an AMD card... There is something in my configuration that is making things wrong for the latency. When I launch Latencymoon without any sound, DPC is already 622 with Nvidia...