Forgot to specify the model that I got! Sorry Patrick! :
It's sweet, but a tad bit heavy (I don't travel much, so this isn't a big deal).
I've almost finished moving everything over to it, so it'll be my primary device shortly.
The BSOD app and Richard's dll's installed smoothly atop the Windows Debugging stuff - it works better than my current installation.
I'm using v2.15.3 on the laptop and v2.15.6 on the desktop. I may try v2.15.6 on the laptop after I've had time to make a backup that has everything that I want in it.
I stole a chuck of hard drive space for the Windows Backup. System complained about it being on the same physical drive as the OS - but I told it to shut up and it's been working fine since. Slow performance when it boots if I forget to have it on to do the backup - but it doesn't take long to do the backup. I'm going to get a 1tB external HDD for the backups and data that I want to save - just haven't gotten around to that yet.
Still using Windows Defender, but am considering using ESET for some added features (I've had some scares recently where I've clicked on something without checking the link out first).
Interestingly, I installed Mozilla Thunderbird and was going to migrate my old emails over. Then it got late and we went out for dinner. When I came back, the data had been migrated!!! Either my cats are getting awfully smart - or TBird has the ability to search out and migrate previous installations/backups!
I'm looking for a stand to put my 32" TV on (so I can slide the laptop under it) - probably will end up with the exotic 2"x4" Pine stands (I've got a couple of chunks holding up my old, non-functional printer). It'll complement my computer desk (a plank on top of a 1"x2" frame, all secured with drywall screws)
Also, gotta enable "Wake on USB" and a bunch of other stuff (another learning experience) so I can hook up the external devices and not mess with the system (and see how that works). Luckily the TV has multiple inputs, so I can keep my old desktop running while starting with the new laptop. (for those familiar with my Desktop problems - the missing RAM issue was present back before Jun 2012 (when I switched to the Win8 RP)).
Still haven't messed with the NAS (Netgear DNS-323), but with the new systems at the wife's office now might be the time to switch to Carbonite or some other similar "cloud" solution for backups. Then I won't need to mess with the NAS - we don't store anything that we can't keep on external HDD's.