Malwarebytes 3.0 Released


Microsoft MVP,
Security Analyst
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Upstate, NY
Malwarebytes Version 3.0, announced as a public beta one month ago, has officially been released.

Malwarebytes Premium subscribers will be pleased to learn that in addition to the anti-malware product, Version 3.0 of Malwarebytes also includes Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit and Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware. With that combination, new subscription purchases for Malwarebytes Premium will be $39.99 per computer per year, a savings of $9.91 and about 33% less than the average traditional antivirus license.

Due to the layered defense built into Malwarebytes 3.0, Malwarebytes (MBAM) Premium subscribers have the option of keeping their traditional anti-virus software program or they can uninstall it and just run MBAM. MBAM 3.0 is compatible with all major antivirus software, including Windows Defender and Microsoft Security Essentials.

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware users with a perpetual subscription are grandfathered and users of the free versions need not worry, all three programs remain available as free stand-alone versions.

A Few of the Changes and Improvements:

  • Although the new version retains the protective capabilities of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware v.2.x along with the efficacy of the web modules, Version 3.0 is a complete rewrite and re-architecting of the earlier Malwarebytes Anti-Malware v.2.x.
  • You'll notice a major improvement in scan time. A threat scan on my Windows 10 Pro, Version 1607 with MBAM v2.x took 32 minutes, 45 seconds to scan 358,337 objects. On Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview Build 14971, it only took 21 minutes, 22 seconds to scan 434,652 objects. That was ten minutes less for almost 100,000 more objects with MBAM v3.0!
  • Updates should be applied automatically according to the setting located on the Settings > Protection tab and should only alert you if there is an issue.
  • The Scan Schedule can be a changed or additional scans scheduled from Scan Schedule.
  • The Reports section includes all Scan Reports and any Real-time Detection / Block events. IP blocks will be in the Reports area entitled ‘Website Blocked’ report Malware files blocked will be in the Reports area entitled 'Malware Blocked'. The Protection Logs, which merely provided a list of the application and event actions for the day have been removed. Thus, only Scan and Block reports are included in the Reports section.

System Requirements: Malwarebytes Version 3.0 is supported on all versions from Windows XP to the latest Windows 10. Note, however, that the Anti-Ransomware technology is only enabled on Windows 7 or higher.


Malwarebytes 3.0 can be installed over the top of your exist Malwarebytes programs. If you do not want to wait for the upgrade to be offered, you can download and run the installer from Malwarebytes | Free Cyber Security & Anti-Malware Software (direct download link here) Malwarebytes 3.0 will automatically remove the old Anti-Malware, Anti-Exploit and Anti-Ransomware and upgrade them all to Malwarebytes 3.0.


Hmmm, according to their 3.0 announcement blog entry here,
...if you are an existing customer with an active subscription or a lifetime license to Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, you will keep your existing price and get a free upgrade to Malwarebytes 3.0. If you have both an Anti-Malware and an Anti-Exploit subscription, we will upgrade you to a single subscription to Malwarebytes 3.0, reduce your subscription price and add more licenses to your subscription.

I’m an existing subscriber of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. How much do I have to pay?
You don’t have to pay anything extra. Even though Malwarebytes 3.0 sells for $39.99, we are grandfathering ALL our existing customers at their original price. So if your subscription is currently $24.95, that is the price it will remain at, and you can get Malwarebytes 3.0 without having to pay anything extra. Your existing license key will work automatically with Malwarebytes 3.0.

I have a Malwarebytes Anti-Malware lifetime license. Will it work for Malwarebytes 3.0?
Yes! Simply install Malwarebytes 3.0 on top of your Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and your lifetime license will automatically apply to Malwarebytes 3.0.

How do I upgrade my Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to Malwarebytes 3.0?
Simply download and run the installer from here. Malwarebytes 3.0 will automatically upgrade Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.x to Malwarebytes 3.0 and apply its license key accordingly.

How do I upgrade to Malwarebytes 3.0 if I also have Anti-Exploit or Anti-Ransomware installed?
Simply download and run the installer from here. Malwarebytes 3.0 will automatically remove the old Anti-Malware, Anti-Exploit and Anti-Ransomware and upgrade them all to Malwarebytes 3.0.

So for existing subscribers and lifetime license owners, this upgrade is not automatic - you will not be notified an upgrade is available and it will not be offered through the program. So make sure you visit the site (see Corrine's links above).

I have seen a couple bugs already. Under the Protection tab, Scan for Rootkits was disabled. That may be because it was disabled in the last version due to extending the scan times too much. But when I click the "Restore Defaults" button, it does not enable that option. In fact, the Restore Defaults button does not flip the Scan for Rootkits option regardless how I set it manually.

On top of that, none of the More Information (?) buttons on that page work. You can get to the Help/More Information page from the Dashboard, however, where we learn Scan for Rootkits is disabled by default.

I might suggest everyone enable it once, scan, and if clean, disable it again (though it really does not slow scanning down significantly when enabled).

Two other minor quibbles. Well, one minor quibble and a small conundrum. The quibble is that the upgrade installer did not fully clean up the old installation. It removed the Malwarebytes AntiExploit folder, but left the old Malwarebytes Antimalware folder orphaned on my system. I note this happens to me often because I install my security programs under a folder called Security Stuff, not in the normal default installation folders.

The conundrum is how do we abbreviate this new program's name? I note the main program is no longer "Malwarebytes Antimalware" which is commonly known around the world as "MBAM". The program now is just Malwarebytes. But "MB" is commonly used to abbreviate motherboard or megabyte, or Milton Bradley ;).
As to the Scan for Rootkits, it isn't a "bug", but rather is intentionally off by default so if the intention is to scan for rootkits, it is necessary to enable it from the Settings > Protection tab.

I was able to test the private beta before the public beta was released. I now have one primary folder, Malwaebytes with a subfolder for Anti-Malware, which makes sense to me. The MBAE folder was removed when I installed version 3.

As to abbreviation -- I'll still use MBAM.
As to the Scan for Rootkits, it isn't a "bug", but rather is intentionally off by default so if the intention is to scan for rootkits
I worded that poorly. The "bug" is not that it is disabled by default. The bug is if you enable Scan for Rootkits, then click the "Restore Defaults", it does not reset it back to the default (disabled).

As for your folders, did you originally install "MBAM" in its default location, or in a "custom" location? I have found it is common for uninstall routines to fail to completely clean up old installations, and more common when you use custom locations. They install, operate, and update just fine - indicating to me everything is properly registered in the Registry and configuration files. But many do not uninstall completely. :(

Frankly, I consider it lazy programming when any program does not fully uninstall. The uninstall routine should delete all files and folders and all shortcuts from the Taskbar and any toolbars and the Start menu if they were put there via options offered during the install. I note orphaned Start menu shortcuts are another common problem (MBAM 3.0 did do that properly here :)).

I understand some opened files and started services cannot be deleted or stopped if there are still hooks set in Windows memory locations - but it is not hard to prompt the user to reboot (now or later) and finish cleaning up during the next boot.

These are all relatively minor quibbles but it is one of those things that have been happening since W95 and I don't understand why. If a program's installation routine allows us to select a custom drive and folder location (and custom Start menu locations too), then I see no reason it cannot clean up after itself too. So IMO, it must be lazy programming. :(
I sure wish a lifetime license was offered. I really, I mean I REALLY hate recurring fees. My daughter, for example, just got a new computer and I can see me paying $99.99 for a lifetime license as a gift from Santa. But I will not stick her (or me) with years of recurring bills. Obviously, this recurring fee structure is not excusive to MBAM as it has become a common practice throughout the entire software industry but I find that no less frustrating.
Ok, I get it now about the "restore default" setting & scan for rootkits.

Yes, installed in the default location.

Its too bad you didn't take advantage of the lifetime license offer several years ago when it was available. :(
Its too bad you didn't take advantage of the lifetime license offer several years ago when it was available.
Actually, I did! I bought several but I did not buy enough licenses for all 5 kids plus all my own computers too! :( I do have one unused lifetime license left so it might go to her. I was thinking those were good for 3 computers in the same household, but I think that was for WinPatrol as I cannot find the terms for the lifetime license now.

I think it is because so many products used to offer lifetime licenses but now don't that I now really dislike the recurring "subscription" format. Perhaps it is human nature to dislike having good things taken away, or perhaps my own personal greed, but I just think subscription based services are rip-off cash-cows for the providers. I think of how much I am paying every month and year for my cable TV and Internet service when, in 25 years, I have had to have my ISP come to the house just once, and that was only because a falling tree branch during a storm took out the cable.

As for bugs, I also keep getting a bubble notification that my real-time protection is disabled. That is a little disconcerting but it is not really disabled or turned off. And that is the 3rd item on the bug list here.
I hadn't run into the protection disabled at any time during beta testing but it suddenly happened today and it was disconcerting.

Found this in the MBAM forum, Check lifetime license - Malwarebytes 3.0s:
  1. If you purchased a consumer license for MBAM Pro version 1.x BEFORE March 2014, then it will be a lifetime, 1-PC license. It can be transferred to a different computer, but not to a different user. It can be activated on 1 PC at a time. There is no expiration date. There is no need to renew or pay again. And, it will have been automatically migrated to an equivalent, lifetime, 1-PC license for MBAM version 2.
  2. If you purchased a consumer license for MBAM Premium version 2.x AFTER March 2014 as a routine purchase, then it PROBABLY is a subscription, renewable, 3-PC license that will expire 1 year from the date that it was activated on the first PC. It can be activated on up to 3 PCs at a time. It will need to be renewed in a year.
    1. I have to qualify that because there have been a few special, promotional offers since March 2014 that have sold a 1-PC, lifetime license for version 2. Such a license can be activated on 1 PC at a time, but has no expiration date or need to renew.
I don't know about those dates. I say that because in my password safe where I keep the license keys so I (or my kids) don't lose them, I have a note that says, "License Keys purchased 4/1/14 before new version and recurring renewal fees."

In any case, it looks like the subscription based licenses are good for 3 PCs. The lifetime is 1.

As for the protection disabled bug, there was a thread over at the Malwarebytes forum on this and one of the mods suggested it was because, "The protection is actually on but what happens is the pop-up pops up to fast" and to delay protection on startup for 15 seconds. I'm pretty sure that is not the problem because I get the notices after coming out of sleep, and I just got one again out of the blue.

But at least they are aware of this.

I do find it odd you never encountered this during testing but now have. That suggests the last beta is not what became the final release and perhaps there should have been one more beta test before releasing it. I've seen this before as a beta tester for other products when an update or new version gets rushed out the door before it should before people start taking off for the holidays.
I have to say I am getting pretty close to uninstalling 3.0 and rolling back to the previous version. This 3.0 update is clearly an unfinished product. :(

Under Settings > Protection > Exploit Protecion: > Manage Protected Applications, The Remove option is grayed out. This means there is a bunch of protection to programs we may not have installed. The Edit button is grayed out too.

I don't have Comodo, IceDragon, LibreOffice, Maxthon, and other programs installed.
Hmmm, Edge seems to work fine for me.

Unrelated to Edge, I do keep hearing things that make me wonder what's going on. By hearing things, I mean little "bloink" sounds from my speakers. But no messages. ??? This only started when I installed "MB3".

Personally, I think they should pull it from this page for now. I think it better to have fewer new trials and sales of the old version and maintain their stellar reputation than to tarnish that reputation with this new, clearly unfinished and buggy product.
Are you using the latest Insider Build with MBAM v3, including MBAE protection on?
I'm using Build 14393.rs1 and MB3. I have since disabled MBAE because it blocked access to my bank Well Fargo and again with the Harry & David website. :(
This is really getting frustrating. It blocked a popup I prompted for used to change my password on a legitimate site I visit regularly. What makes it bad is MB3.0 uninstalls your old version when it installs so we cannot simply roll back. I think this is pretty much a fiasco. :(
As to Edge & MBAE, the issue is just with the latest build. As to the rest, you need to document the issues in the forum so they know what needs to be fixed -- or submit a ticket.
Excellent! Can't fix something if they don't know its broken -- although I haven't searched the forum there for the issues other than MBAE & Edge.
Sorry, but I just don't have the time or patience to put up with all these problems at this time. I am just too busy now getting ready for the holidays and I need my computer to work right. I have uninstalled MB3 (which in itself presented more issues with MB3 :(). I did report my woes here. I have downgraded to a fully functional and bug-free MBAM using the download link to V2.2.1.1043 provided by Firefox here.

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