My 8GB USB flash drive now shows only 1GB after formatting


Mar 25, 2019
The title says it all. Here's my supposedly 8GB SanDisk flash drive.


But I'm only showing 1GB after I formatted it.

SanDisk flash drive.jpg

Any ideas?
I have had the odd USB flash/thumb drive that shows a greatly decreased capacity that I could not fix.

But, then, I discovered PassMark, the folks that make MemTest86, also make a great little utility called ImageUSB, that can be used to restore USB thumb/flash drives to their original configurations.

Have a look at the article: Recover disk space on a flash drive
You can often resolve this problem by doing the following ...

Please note that this will remove any and all files on the USB drive.

  • Connect the drive to your computer
  • Right Click Start > Run to open a Run window
  • In the Open: field type diskpart then click OK
  • Allow any prompt
  • A diskpart window will open
  • Type list disk then hit return to list the drives connected to your computer
  • From the list, note the number associated with your USB drive
  • type select disk plus the number of your USB drive then hit return ..... for example select disk 3
  • Type clean then hit return to remove all data on the drive
  • Type create partition primary then hit return and diskpart will create a partition
  • Wait for it to finish.
  • Exit the diskpart window.

Now re-format your USB drive, and you should find that it has regained its true capacity.
You can often resolve this problem by doing the following ... Please note that this will remove any and all files on the USB drive.
  • Connect the drive to your computer
  • Right Click Start > Run to open a Run window
  • In the Open: field type diskpart then click OK
  • Allow any prompt
  • A diskpart window will open
  • Type list disk then hit return to list the drives connected to your computer
  • From the list, note the number associated with your USB drive
  • type select disk plus the number of your USB drive then hit return ..... for example select disk 3
  • Type clean then hit return to remove all data on the drive
  • Type create partition primary then hit return and diskpart will create a partition
  • Wait for it to finish.
  • Exit the diskpart window.
Now re-format your USB drive,and you should find that it has regained its true capacit

Thanks for this suggestion but now I'm getting this message:

SanDisk flash drive.jpg

Fortunately I have other flash drives that I can use. This one wasn't expensive and I'm not going to spend any more time trying to fix it. I appreciate the help.
I don't use Windows tool to format the few times I've had to format a flash drive. I always use this tool
If the stick is damaged (user error on my part), I do a quick format first with the above tool then I follow that up with the long format.

If you saved the receipt, SanDisk does have a warranty on USB sticks.
Warranty Table

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