New AMD PC blackscreen crashes while gaming

Hello again, I tried with a new 1000w corsair rmx PSU but that didnt help, so returned the GPU and got a new one (same card and manufacter), but how do I install the new GPU? Remove all drivers first, then mount GPU and download latest drivers? Or can I just remove the old GPU and put new one in (have latest drivers installed already)
If it's EXACTLY the same card in all respects then the existing drivers will be fine.
If it's EXACTLY the same card in all respects then the existing drivers will be fine.
Havent been able to try new GPU until today, but seems very promising have been able to play red dead 2 for 4h with no issues or crashing. So new GPU seems to have fixed crashing, there is still the issue of not being able to run my ram with xmp profile @6000mhz without getting endless OCCT cpu errors (currently running stock @4800mhz), should I open a new thread for that problem? Im thinking of buying new RAM with cl30 (mine is cl36) and EXPO profile instead and see if that fixes that issue, or is there any other fix I could try first?
Can you set custom XMP profiles? Try seeing what RAM speed those sticks are stable at?

IMO if RAM won't OC to the stated speed then the RAM is likely at fault.
Yeah its a bit perplexing since i havent installed it, guessing it comes with Amd Adrenaline software / GPU drivers or the chipset drivers? Or Windows update has downloaded the drivers? But program "Ryzen Master" didnt exist on computer when BSODs happened. I now have installed latest version of it and will see what happens..if issue still persists i guess i try uninstall it now that program actually exists on computer.
The program Ryzen Master worked fine after i downloaded it, after restart it wont launch just gives an error. I also cant uninstall it "because it doesnt have an app associated with it" ....I really dont understand this mess, maybe I somehow messed up when i reinstalled Adrenaline and chipset drivers i guess, since the Verifier BSODS didnt happen before that.
A bit lost for course of action, should i try running with the iGPU or troubleshoot drivers more?
Fucking hell guys, amazing job since I am having the same issue. Will try all these soon. Thanks for everything

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