Yeah its a bit perplexing since i havent installed it, guessing it comes with Amd Adrenaline software / GPU drivers or the chipset drivers? Or Windows update has downloaded the drivers? But program "Ryzen Master" didnt exist on computer when BSODs happened. I now have installed latest version of it and will see what happens..if issue still persists i guess i try uninstall it now that program actually exists on computer.
The program Ryzen Master worked fine after i downloaded it, after restart it wont launch just gives an error. I also cant uninstall it "because it doesnt have an app associated with it" ....I really dont understand this mess, maybe I somehow messed up when i reinstalled Adrenaline and chipset drivers i guess, since the Verifier BSODS didnt happen before that.
A bit lost for course of action, should i try running with the iGPU or troubleshoot drivers more?