Not received a reply? Quick note on response times

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Senior Administrator
Staff member
Mar 4, 2012
Hi all,

There is currently an increased demand for IT professionals to help users set-up Work from Home environments.

Unfortunately this means that some of our helpers have increased workloads professionally, and may result in a slower response time for Windows Update threads.

We're still aiming to respond to each and every thread within a reasonable timeframe, but please be aware that it may take several days before someone is able to assist.

If you have an urgent issue with your PC, we'd encourage you to find a local professional who will be able to help much faster and get you back up and running.

Sysnative Windows Update Team

Hi all,

If you haven't received a response, then please take into account that all the Windows Update team members, are volunteers who kindly contribute their time and expertise to help you with your problems. Many have full-time jobs, families and other commitments which limits the amount of available time they have to answer threads.

Additionally, please take into consideration the following:
  1. The CBS log can be quite lengthy and take some time to analyse
  2. It can take some time to either find replacements for corrupted system files and/or fix registry corruption
  3. You may be running an old build number or an operating system which a helper doesn't have a VM for and therefore it can take some time to set one up
Please also note we're a very small team and one of the few forums (if not only forum) which are able to fix Windows Update problems. As a result of this, we usually receive far more threads than available helpers, therefore it may take several days for a helper to get to your thread.

Sysnative Windows Update Team
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