Not Received Help?

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It's been some time since I received any replies to my initial problem. Since then, !0 I found a suggestion on the Microsoft site on how to fix not getting updates. It involved deleting a lot of files, which Windows apparently rebuild if it needs to. Am now receiving automatic updates, but Windows update fails if I try to use it. Since SFCFix indicates I have over 6,00 errors, and I had not heard from anyone, I was just waiting. After trying to do a chkdsk on an external I had a total crash. However I had made 2 Acronis backups on a fairly new WD Black. But Acronis could not read the disk. So I did a chkdsk on another computer and it indicated the HD was faulty and hung up. Sooo, using a freeware copier I was able to copy what I thought was some of the files to another disk. I had chkdsked and WinDLGed this disk do I knew it was good. When I tried to restore the second and latest backup Acronis warned me and gave me the message that it was ok but incomplete. The other back restored my (faulty) system.

So, since hadn't heard anything I tried to do an update repair install. My own disk was an update disk, and it told me I could not update a Professional system with a Professional update. I then downloaded a Pro with SP1 disk from Digital River. The first ISO I made didn't work, indicating it didn't have the necessary files to copy. A website suggested that I burn another with a very slow speed. This ISO seems to be good. However, it also refuses to update repair my system for the same reason, i.e. It cannot upgrade Pro to Pro with this Pro N disk. I don't know what the difference is, the faulty ISO ran right up to point of copying new files. Are the setup.exe's different?
Or what is different>? I could make a new ISO if I knew what to put into it. I now fear I may not even be update to 8.0 and am awaiting some kind of reply from you knowledgeable and dedicated volunteers,

Thanks in advance for any help you may give.
Stillnhaven't from the people that were trying to help me. So I thought that one way to avoid the errors in 7 would be to update to 8. I decided on 8 because it allows you to keep your apps, of which I have many. Then one can easily (as easy as anythiing is with Windows) update to 8.1 The 8.1 adviser indicated I would have no difficulty upgrading (except with 8.1 it had to be a clean install). I had already purchased an 8.0 disk for this eventuality. The DVD didn't seem to boot, so I am getting a new DVD player this week. But with Windows running, one can go to the disk an run setup.exe. After a complete verified Acronis backup, I started the procedure. The principal problem was that Win 8 is incompatible with Intel network drivers for my 2 Gigabit Ethernet Adaptors. I just disabled them, since Win 8 could not uninstall the drivers. When I tried uninstalling the drivers, Win 7 immediately found them on my HD and reinstalled them. So with this problem looking as if it were handled, I was able ro restart. Win 8 loaded very quickly on my SSD. !0% in 10 min continued at that rate until it reached 90%, when it stopped , giving me the very helpful message that the installation had failed. No explanation as to why or how I could get more helpful information. Hopefully if anyone this site ever gets back to me, they might have some advice about this failed install.

I can follow instructions, in spite of my age and rapidly disappearing geekiness. So I might be able to fix my Win 7 problem if someone, anyone (hint) will tell me what these errors are, If they are corrupt files, then there must be a way to correct them, even if it requires doing then one at a time. Or possibly someone has a way to restore the faulty functions of my system, i.e can get updates; probably am not installing updates; SFC doesn't run because of an error in the Windows Resource Protection system, etc.I hope the difficulty is in the stretching of forum resources, and barring that I hope those on vacation are enjoying themselves, and the rest are happy working at their day jobs. Regards, John
Anyone who is still waiting for a reply please give m 24-28 hours. I have been very busy with work but will have some free time tomorrow night (Australian time).


Hi Alex . . I'm still waiting on a response. It has been about two months since my original post. If you can't help, please just let me know. I'll post on another board. I have some time off right now so would really appreciate knowing which way to go. If you can't help . . . again it is okay. Just let me know so I know what to do.

Hi, I still haven't receivend any reaction on my thread. see the link.

If someone can tell me what to do next?

I understand you having delay, I will have patience.

Hi Alex . . I'm still waiting on a response. It has been about two months since my original post. If you can't help, please just let me know. I'll post on another board. I have some time off right now so would really appreciate knowing which way to go. If you can't help . . . again it is okay. Just let me know so I know what to do.


Replied to both.

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