You bought 150$ mobo - (luckily there are still many things you can do!) could be bad mobo!!! Bad chipset, PCI-E bus etc. can cause spikes for GPU

Luckily there are still many things you can do! Or it could be NVIDIA drivers! NVIDIA users complain on DPC latency spikes a lot! I couldn't find your motherboard on Anandtech's DPC latency tests. But it is chipset B450 (cheap mobo) which is not ideal for gaming!
Very first do a full system backup like using AOMEI backupper! And make recorvery bootable USB flashdisk!
First lets establish your tests are accurate, but since you have micro-stuttering it points to DPC lat. issues! Do you have also clicks and pops (in speakers/headphones)???
You should do latencymon tests at least 30 minutes and don't run any programs on the background - best is cleanboot! For more info, check bottom of the page also:
Resplendence Software - LatencyMon: real-time audio suitability checker
I recommend to use default testing method: interrupt to user process latency, also check all CPU cores in CPU tab!
- In Windows you should set powerplan to Ultimate Peformance and disable idle saver!
(after check CPU temps right away for overheating, but should be fine on desktop)
To show ultimate performance plan (paste into elevated Power Shell):
powercfg -duplicatescheme e9a42b02-d5df-448d-aa00-03f14749eb61
To "processor idle disable" idle saver:
powercfg -attributes SUB_PROCESSOR 5d76a2ca-e8c0-402f-a133-2158492d58ad -ATTRIB_HIDE
- Don't use Turbo (dynamic freq.) not sure if AMD has that!
- BCLK should be set to 100, or closest to 100
- All power saving features should be disabled in BIOS!
- Try HPET on/off
Additionally, can you screenshot drivers tab in latmon (descending) for tab highest execution (MS).
First you can try DDU to uninstall your drivers in safe mode, it should be safe. But read tutorial!!!
Download on official site:
Verify download using:
Get-FileHash (Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility) - PowerShell, or right click exe/digital signatures/details should say OK!
Don't forget to disconnect from internet and download drivers first (I recommend oldest available, Nvidia drivers are currently in atrocious state) or Windows will install automatically crappy OEM for you!
I recommend to use mode "clean but do not restart".
I would recommend to install drivers using NvCleanInstall, it debloats drivers, should be save everyone says + creator.
NVCleanstall (v1.8.0) Download
I recommend to disable telemetry and check to install only display drivers!
Verify GPU is running at least in PCI-E 3.0 x16, download GPU-Z:
TechPowerUp First run a game, or render test so GPU is used.
I recommend to set in BIOS PCI-E to 3.0 gen and if you have link speed under PCH make sure it is set to x16.
Next it is recommended to upgrade BIOS to solve DPC latency issues. First make sure you don't lose power, today motherboards should have recorvery option in BIOS, in case you mess up. But it is easy to do, just read carefully! Also it can be reflashed using: "usb ch341a" in worst case! Never had problem!
Make sure GPU is in MSI mode!
Windows: Line-Based vs. Message Signaled-Based Interrupts. MSI tool. Download MSI_Util v2, or v3.
Make sure in BIOS you have enabled IOAPIC 24-119 entries. Try enable Above 4G decoding, but I had floaty mouse using that!
Also check all devices are in MSI mode. CAREFUL CAN CAUSE SYSTEM NOT BOOT, EVERY DEVICE SHOULD BE FINE, EXCEPT NVIDIA HD AUDIO. I recommend to uninstall Nvidia HD audio to check, which is your audio controller. I do not recommend to install it in the first place!!!
Try 3Dmark and check GPU scores. Also you download HWINFO and at start check sensors only, then click on enable logging and after you are done with 3D mark test click disable and upload log!
- do you use for keyboard and mouse top 2 USB ports?
- can you try to connect keyboard to lower, or upper USB ports?
- do you use any additional USB devices?
- do you use any PCI-E cards?
- do you use headphones over USB?
You can try timerbench to find out what timer works best on your PC, but usually it is best to not force timers! And let app to decide!
The HPET bug: What it is and what it isn't
Go to eleveated CMD: write bcdedit /set disabledynamictick yes, this will disable dynamic timer resolution, which makes your mouse to accelerate!
Download ISLC and set timer resolution window to 0.5ms, this also can lower DPC latency:
Intelligent standby list cleaner (ISLC) v1.0.2.2 Released - Wagnardsoft Forum
For AMD optimization:
Input Lag and Mouse Movement Tweaks for Gaming v3 2020 Edition
Also DPC latency generated by other drivers can cause issues for whole system.
- I do not recommend to install realtek audio drivers, cause tremendous lag. (you can try and then uninstall - if it doesn't help, not installing them can cause stutters)
- Install latest NIC drivers (these are important!)
- avoid Intel sata drivers at all costs (tremendous lag)
- you can try install chipset drivers, but I don't recommend it, causes huge input lag!
- also optimize your nic click on your adapter in network center and right-click/properties/configure disable power savings there! Then go to advanced tab and google all settings there to optimize. Best site
Network Adapter Optimization
Check melody tweaks:
Melody's Ultra Tweaks Pack - Basic Tweaks