[SOLVED] Problem updating from Win 8.1 to Win 10 (error 80070004-4000d)

I'm not sure what exactly happened, the log ends abruptly.

Was setup still running when the file was copied?
2016-02-21 18:16:48, Error                        MigApply caught exception: FormatException: CFilePattern::ValidateAndSavePattern, Invalid pattern C:\Windows.old\Users\Stephanie\Favorites\HTC bookmarks [tina_feynatics: Tina Fey article in New Yorker "Confessions of a Juggler".url:$DATA] void __cdecl Mig::CFilePattern::ValidateAndSavePattern(class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::String *)

Looks like this might be the problem.

Try deleting the internet favorite 'tina_feynatics: Tina Fey article in New Yorker "Confessions of a Juggler".url' from the HTC bookmarks folder and then run the upgrade again.
Thank you for all your help. I was finally able to clear the nasty files and update to Windows 10! Thank you, thank you! :hug:
Excellent! Glad it worked :thumbsup2:
I'll mark the thread solved. If you encounter any problems, please post back and I will continue to assist you.

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