Once done, try to install the Windows Update again. If it fails, let me know what error code you're getting and upload the two files below for me to review.
Here's cbs.txt. I'll try to get the other files to you. I'm having wi-fi problems and just had foot surgery so I'm restricted as to how much I can get around.
Upgrading to Windows 10 on the WiFi is probably not the best idea. The download and install can be easily disrupted that way. Is there a way for you to get a wired connection for the upgrade?
Then you should wait until your WiFi issue gets solved first, or you could use the Media Creation Tool instead.
And I use it, I upgraded to it 3 days after the release. So far, there's a few bugs here and there with programs I use that aren't fully Windows 10 compatible yet, but I didn't have any big issue that would prevent me from using my computer so far. I have it on both my desktop and laptop.
I cycled power which resulted in installation of some updates then I checked for updates and upon attempting to download and install them received the following: