Repeated BSOD's - about once a day

Hello Vir,

Yes DV was most definitely on. Once I disable DV, the system boots without issue to desktop.

The drive isn't from Lenovo (it's an aftermarket drive I swapped in) - based on your experience is it more likely that it's the system or the drive? I will also try to look for the original OEM drive to see if I can re-create this issue.

I'm also uninstalling the Lenovo Rapid Storage Manager driver, since I updated it on July 2nd (that's the date Lenovo released it) I've had more bluescreens than the entire month combined.

If it's the drive I'm going to have a hard time reinstalling all my stuff from scratch onto a fresh drive...
Ah that makes sense, then. I doubt OEM storage drivers would jive with an aftermarket SSD drive, though again, a BIOS update and some storage driver cleanup might help. Understand that you are better off installing drivers related specifically to your new drive as opposed to any that came with your PC. That entails removing any current drivers and software for storage related to the default Lenovo setup.

I want to ask, though is, if you replaced the drive with an aftermarket, do you still have the original? It'd be good to test stability with the original drive for a bit as a just-in-case.
Hello Vir,

I should still have the original, but because I've never had to re-use the OEM drive previously I might have wiped it already. I'm hoping I don't have to go there though.

An update on what I did - I rolled back my storage driver updates, and went back to using the generic Microsoft AHCI driver. I re-ran Driver Verifier, and it cleared the Windows logo without issue.

Here I am now, I ran DV and it didn't crash - so am I supposed to simply use my PC as normal now, and wait for a bluescreen crash? I checked in the processes under Task Manager and cannot see any references to DV - is there any way I can check that it is really running, and I'm not having some kind of brain freeze?
I just wanted to thank everyone here for their awesome help debugging this problem. I would be totally lost otherwise. What a community you guys have going here!

I'm just going to leave DV running and hope I don't experience any more crashes in the next day or so.

If I can buy you guys a beer (or any other beverage of your choice really) be sure to let me know :thumbsup2:
DV is not an application, per se, nor a process. It is a set of extra checks built into Windows for debugging purposes. That's why you won't see it in Task Manager. You can check if it's on by starting DV again and selecting "Display existing settings". If you see a list of drivers and checks with "YES" next to em, it's on. Otherwise driver list will be blank and all checks will be "NO".

It sounds like the generic storage driver is doing fine. Keep DV on just in case. Understand for future reference that unless a drive or a drive controller specifically requires a driver be installed for it, by default the regular stuff that comes with Windows should do just fine. I find intel storage drivers to be an unnecessary, complicated mess.

Oh, and I wouldn't mind some sarsaparilla or sassafras root beer. :)
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Yes, it seems DV is running, and I've had no problems for like the last 5-ish hours.

Am I going crazy, or is having DV running having an adverse effect on performance? It sure seems like everything is performing just that little bit worse with it on.. that or I might be just a little drunk at the moment :confused2:
Because of the extra checks/tests that Driver Verifier runs, it's not uncommon to see a decrease in performance.

I suggest running Driver Verifier for about 36 hours (just a guess on my part), then turn it off and see how the system behaves.
There are some DV checks that under certain conditions would slow one's PC to a crawl. I've had that experience before in the past. Not fun. But yes, as usasma stated, you should see some slight varying degree in performance drop, especially with high I/O drivers involving large amounts of small I/O packets, like heavy network traffic for example.

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