[SOLVED] Repeated BSODs with varying errors in Windows 7

I began to do the troubleshooting steps again by starting and stopping certain services and startup tasks and rebooting etc, and the tablet decided that it quits. It gave up. It no longer works at all in any configuration I have tested and I now have an Error 52 related to two devices in device manager.

I have no clue why it did this but I guess I made it really angry somehow. Even after attempting to reinstall the tablet and all related software those errors are still there and it still won't work. I'm going to attempt a system restore and see what happens. On a side note I discovered that I get a very weird error whenever I attempt to make a backup or configure backups.

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The great part about that error is that Virtual Disk service is both on and set to Automatic. After various restarts of the service and trying to find a solution on the internet, I got nothing. So I'm going to restore and see what happens and then contact Monoprice and UC-Logic.

I really never knew that one single computer and tablet set up could be so incredibly annoying.

I'll keep you updated on what happens next.
The virtual disk service should be set to manual by default. In case system restore does not fix things:

The virtual disk service depends on Plug and Play, Remote Procedure Call (RPC), DCOM Server Process Launcher, and RPC Endpoint Matcher services directly. There are no indirect dependencies.

Make sure Plug and Play, Remote Procedure Call (RPC), DCOM Server Process Launcher, and RPC Endpoint Matcher services are all set to start with Automatic enabled, and make sure those services have started.

As to the tablet no longer working, if system restore does not fix the problem, uninstall all devices related to it through device manager and go through the USB troubleshooting steps.
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Hello! I'm very happy to say that after the restore the tablet is fully functional and not lagging anymore. It's only been a few days but everything is working well so far. I have no idea what was causing the tremendous input lag or why a system restore would suddenly fix it but I really don't care. Thanks alot writhziden. You've been a god send. I'm going to mark this thread as solved now.

Thanks again so so so much!
You're welcome. :-}

I am very glad that the system restore was able to fix the problems. Nice troubleshooting work!
Thanks Geoff. :-}

And I would also like to thank Handsome for the follow up. It is always helpful to other users who visit these threads to know what problem was solved and how it was solved.

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