Hi guys,
Thanks first of all to 2xg, however I work with SBS on a daily basis and currently support somewhere in the region of 25 SBS servers from 2003 > 2011. This forum was my very last shot before doing an in place upgrade (oh my god it will make me cry), I'm not ringing Microsoft because they are slow useless and generally the "fix" is to reinstall or do an in place upgrade (grrr Microsoft !!!).
Thanks Niemiro for trying, if you really think with access to a working 2008 sbs server this could be fixed thats very easy for me to sort out for you (thankfully this is the only broken server I currently have!), if not with your workload then no worries and I will sheepishly suggest an in place upgrade as the only fix.
Hello Steff :)
If you want to have one last shot, then great!
Following the instructions I previously provided you, can you please export and upload a COMPONENTS hive from both your broken server (I lost it, sorry), and a working server. The working server needs to be SBS 2008, of the same bit rate, and fully updated. I can then perform a transformation via CheckSUR.log to make a fix specific for the broken server, based on information from the working server.
Next, just in case it becomes necessary, can you please tell me which of these files I need to download, if you know:
Download: SBS 2008 Trial Software Download - Microsoft Download Center - Download Details
Which bit rate are you (x86/x64/ia64)? And I am a bit confused by DVD1. I will invesitage over the weekend, but do you know off the top of your head whether I need DVD1 + one of DVD2/3, or just DVD2/3, or what? If you don't know off the top of your head, don't worry.
P.S. Microsoft Support can be amazingly good, and I have seen them work absolute miracles on stuff I previously thought was completely unfixable. It really depends whether you end up at unescalated outsourced Home Support, which is varied in its quality, or Premier/escalated support, though.
EDIT: Or the closest COMPONENTS hive you can get. For example, a COMPONENTS hive from a SBS 2008 of wrong bit rate, or not fully updated (!), is better than nothing.