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Screen saver doesn't work on my Vista computer


Aug 19, 2012
Hi everyone,

My screen saver doesn't work and hasn't worked for a long time, and I finally thought I'd ask about it. My Vista Home Premium laptop is 4 or 5 years old; and when I first got it the screen saver worked. I've kept it updated with all Windows Updates except two optional ones - Silverlight and Bing Desktop.

I searched the internet about this problem and it seems common to Vista. Any suggestions on how to get it working again? Seems it might be a mouse problem? In case it is, my mouse is a Logitech. I tried unplugging it from the USB port to see if the screen saver would eventually come on, but it didn't. I have the screen saver set to come on after 2 minutes. Thank you.
Please run a full CHKDSK and SFC scan....

Click on Start > All Programs > Accessories
Right-click on the Command Prompt entry
Select Run as Administrator and accept the UAC prompt - the Elevated Command Prompt window should pop up.

At the Command prompt, type


and hit the Enter key.
You will be told that the drive is locked,
and the CHKDSK will run at he next boot - hit the Y key, press Enter, and then reboot.

The CHKDSK will take a few hours depending on the size of the drive, so be patient!

After the CHKDSK has run, Windows should boot normally (possibly after a second auto-reboot) -
then run the SFC.

SFC -System File Checker - Instructions
Click on Start > All Programs > Accessories
Right-click on the Command Prompt entry
Select Run as Administrator and accept the UAC prompt - the Elevated Command Prompt window should pop up.

At the Command prompt, type


and hit the Enter key

Wait for the scan to finish - make a note of any error messages - and then reboot.

Copy the CBS.log file created (C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log) to your desktop (you can't manipulate it directly) and then compress the copy and upload it to your reply

Post a new MGADiag report with details of any error messages encountered.
Thank you Noel. Not to sound dramatic but I bumped my head yesterday (seriously, I did) and I'm taking a couple of days to feel better. Will do the instructions soon. thanks.
Thanks for your patience. :smile9: I'm not sure if this is what you need (ie. not sure what the MGADiag report is)?


I've also attached the zipped CBS log. If there is something else you needed, please let me know.
There are no significant errors in your CBS.log - but the CheckSUR report doesn't seem to be complete, for some reason.

Can you please run the installer again, then post the new CheckSUR.log and CheckSUR.persist.log files?

The MGADiag request is just from me being lazy - I usually post those instructions for diagnosing errors in activation/validation :)
Actually - checking the date on the CheckSUR log, it's an old one - please download the tool again and run the new one....

Please download and save the CheckSUR tool from System Update Readiness Tool fixes Windows Update errors in Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Windows Server 2008
(you'll need to look in the details for Windows 7, downloading from the Microsoft Download Center)

Run it - The tool can take anywhere from 5 mins to a couple of hours to run (or 'Install') depending on how much it has to do, and may exit silently - it may appear to freeze for most of that time, but be patient.
The result is logged in the C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CheckSUR.log file - and an archive …\checksur.persist.log file
OK, I think I have those two results for you - they are pretty small so I hope I did it correctly - I just copied the files from Windows Logs onto my desktop. It (the install) did take awhile, and I think most of the install was 'Hotfix KB947821'. Here are the two files:


The screen saver didn't come on on its' own, but I just tried changing the settings (changed 2 minutes to 1 minute) to see what would happen, and the screen saver came on. I changed the time back to the original 2 minutes, and it did come on after 2 minutes. I've tried changing the settings many times before but it didn't fix the screen saver. So, it seems the 'Hotfix' may have fixed it?
Sometimes, the SFC scan can kick things into place - even if it doesn't admit to having done so! :)

Seems that may have been the case here.

Keep an eye on things for a few days - if you get more problems, post back with the Event Logs......

open Event Viewer
In the left pane, navigate to the Windows Logs
right-click on Applications and select 'Save all events as...' save as Apps.evtx
repeat for the System logs - save as Sys.evtx
Compress both files, and attach to your reply.

Good luck!
It's nice to have my screen saver back. I will keep an eye on everything and post back with the Event Logs if I have more problems. Thanks for all your help Noel - very much appreciated.

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