Basically YES - When running Process Monitor (procmon.exe), be sure to RIGHT-CLICK; "Run as Administrator". The very first time you run procmon, a EULA will appear - agree to it; no big deal.
The screen should fill instantly with line items of disk activity, including Registry activity as the ProcMon viewer appears. Go to the
4th icon at the top from the left (auto-scroll) of the ProcMon screen
and click on it. This turns auto-scroll ON and the items on the screen should now start scrolling up (rather fast - not enough time to really read it) - the 4th icon is the icon under "Event" in the following screenshot - (NOTE: hovering mouse over it should confirm its function). Click on it.
To immediately suspend/stop the scrolling, right-click one time on any part of any line item in the screen. To resume scrolling - click on the 4th icon.
Here is a screenshot of the top-left of the ProcMon viewer for a little help/hint - :) -
Initially, let ProcMon run for at least an hour or more, but keep an eye on the size of your page file. We do not want ProcMon to use up all of your RAM, then start heavily using virtual memory as it will bring the server to a crawl and eventually cause it to freeze if the virtual memory (page file) gets ~more than a few hundred MB in size.
To check the size of the page file, run
#34, 2nd column "TEXT Output" batch file -
This is the WMI batch file source code:
Rich (BB code):
@echo off
:: © Sysnative Forums
:: 1 January 2015
:: J. C. Griffith, Microsoft MVP
:: jcgriff2
set y1=list full
set z1=/format:htable
@title = PalmDesert
@color 1e
prompt $s
echo Welcome to Sysnative Forums - WMI Batch
echo Running selected batch script now for WMI pagefile
echo This may take a minute. . .
wmic pagefile list full > "%temp%\pagefile.txt"
echo This may take a minute. . . D O N E
start /max "notepad" "%temp%\pagefile.txt"
:Go Home - EOJ
It is from this comprehensive WMI Tutorial command page covering every WMI command that I wrote ~6 years ago -
(1) Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) - (Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista) | Sysnative Forums
Since it is an unknown Batch executable script file to Windows, Windows will do everything it can to prevent you from running this batch script file. You have to get creative to get around Windows Security. Be sure when downloading the batch file to select a folder like Documents or Downloads so you can easily find the file again.
Once more, be sure to RIGHT-CLICK; "Run as Administrator" on
The only thing that this batch file does is run a WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) command to REPORT info about your page file. It does not write any data to your system except a very small %temp% text file that it then displays on your screen. It makes no other file or registry changes.
If you cannot get the batch file to run because of Windows Security, run it yourself in an elevated CMD prompt/screen.
Bring up an Admin CMD screen -
(5) Open an Elevated Administrative Command Prompt (CMD) - Windows 10 | Sysnative Forums
Copy/paste the following into the Elevated/Admin CMD screen -
Rich (BB code):
wmic pagefile list full > "%temp%\pagefile.txt" & start /max "notepad" "%temp%\pagefile.txt"
Give it a few seconds and a full-screen Notepad will appear on your screen that looks like this -
Running for about 1-2 hours now; Virtual memory
CurrentUsage=353 = currently, the page file is now up to
353 MB in size. The page file was just 4 MB when the app began. About 10 million line items have been captured and logged at this time.
I'm submitting this post now so I don't lose it and will post again later on this. I'll let mine run for hours longer.
When you finally stop the capture and create an ARN file, (or you can do it while it is running) - click on TOOLS at the top and you can obtain many different types of summary information.
*** BE SURE TO STOP THE CAPTURE FIRST - or it will continue even though the scrolling has stopped too, assuming you've turned that off as well.
Regards. . .
p.s. I've noticed an overall system slow down. Per Task Manager, I have exhausted my
32 GB RAM and am running on virtual memory now -
View attachment 66200
Task Manager reports current RAM usage @
31.8 GB.