Hi Maxstar,
We're considering/scheduling the in-place OS upgrade (sticking with 2019).
Yes, I would think that \\TSCLIENT\SCARD\6 refers to a Remote Desktop client redirected device. This is a Terminal Server. I do know that I've attempted the patch installs with no TS users connected, though, if that helps.
The Handle output says "No matching handles found." Would I have to run the patch with procmon, grab the reg path from theAccess Denied (I meant "INSUFFICIENT RESOURCES") message, and put that into Handle?
We're considering/scheduling the in-place OS upgrade (sticking with 2019).
Yes, I would think that \\TSCLIENT\SCARD\6 refers to a Remote Desktop client redirected device. This is a Terminal Server. I do know that I've attempted the patch installs with no TS users connected, though, if that helps.
The Handle output says "No matching handles found." Would I have to run the patch with procmon, grab the reg path from the