[Server2012R2Upd3 x64] WU error 80073712 (Store Corruption)

Please do the following.

Step#1 - SFCFix Script
Warning: this fix is specific to the user in this thread. No one else should follow these instructions as it may cause more harm than good. If you are after assistance, please start a thread of your own.
  1. Download SFCFix.exe (by niemiro) and save this to your Desktop. If you still have this on your desktop from downloading previously, you don't need to re-download.
  2. Download the file below, SFCScript.txt, and save this to your Desktop.
  3. Save any open documents and close all open windows.
  4. On your Desktop, you should see two files: SFCFix.exe and SFCScript.txt.
  5. Drag the file SFCScript.txt onto the file SFCFix.exe and release it.
  6. SFCFix will now process the script.
  7. Upon completion, a file should be created on your Desktop: SFCFix.txt.
  8. Copy (Ctrl+C) and Paste (Ctrl+V) the contents of this file into your next post for me to analyse please


OK, good. Please do the following.

Step#1 - SFCFix Script
Warning: this fix is specific to the user in this thread. No one else should follow these instructions as it may cause more harm than good. If you are after assistance, please start a thread of your own.

  1. Download SFCFix.exe (by niemiro) and save this to your Desktop. If you still have this on your desktop from downloading previously, you don't need to re-download.
  2. Download the file below, SFCFix.zip, and save this to your Desktop. Ensure that this file is named SFCFix.zip - do not rename it.
  3. Save any open documents and close all open windows.
  4. On your Desktop, you should see two files: SFCFix.exe and SFCFix.zip.
  5. Drag the file SFCFix.zip onto the file SFCFix.exe and release it.
  6. SFCFix will now process the script.
  7. Upon completion, a file should be created on your Desktop: SFCFix.txt.
  8. Copy (Ctrl+C) and Paste (Ctrl+V) the contents of this file into your next post for me to analyse please


It did not fail! I'll schedule an overnight reboot and we'll see where that gets us.
Ok, so IE works fine after the reboot.

Tried to install KB4056895 which failed (hopefully for a different reason this time). CBS log attached.


Interesting. It's still related to IE but I have a plan.

1. Please provide me with updated copies of your COMPONENTS and SOFTWARE hives.
and then.....

Step#2 - Capture Process Monitor Trace
1. Download and run Process Monitor. Leave this running while you perform the next steps.
2. install KB4056895 just like you have in the past.
3. Stop Process Monitor as soon as DISM fails. You can simply do this by clicking the magnifying glass on the toolbar as shown below.

4. Select the File menu...Save... and save the file to your desktop. This is likely the default location. The name (unless changed) will be LogFile.PML. This is fine.
5. Zip up and attach the LogFile.PML file as well as your CBS.log.
Ok, that's done. The hives are from earlier in the day and the server was rebooted in between them and the update attempt, but I assume that doesn't matter - nothing was installed or updated in the meantime.

CBS log attached. Hives and Procmon here: WeTransfer


That update failed. CBS log attached.

Strangely, after trying to install KB4056895 the StorageCraft backup agent failed to work until the server is rebooted. Something in the update attempt is killing it. I'll need to be careful when I attempt that update in the future, as I need to reboot after the attempt.

Trying to install
KB4056568 caused no such problems.



No problem at all. Many thanks for all your help. I'm away on Friday anyway so if it ends up being next week it's no problem.
Sorry for the delay on this. Just wanted to confirm that you would still like to try and resolve the remaining issue? I was going to start back up on this but wanted to confirm first.
Hi Brian,

No worries. Yes, would like to resolve if possible.

You may recall that we'd got a monthly security-only update to install.

The latest on this is that I tried to install the 2018-01 security-only update (KB4056898) which looked like it was ok up until asking for a reboot but then after the reboot it's listed as having failed. Not sure if you want to look at that or wait until the next update. I haven't tried 2018-02 security-only update yet as it hasn't been out long.

Actually yes that would be helpful to look at that. Please zip up and attach/upload your entire c:\windows\logs\cbs folder. Thank you.

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