[SOLVED] SFC and DISM issues on Server 2019

There were no network users logged on so I went for it. It came up with the same cannot restart issue (that I believe was fixed with the March update) so I restarted from the Windows power button - not sure if I hit shut down instead of restart but I went in via BMC and it was showing as powered down, so powered it up. It's an old version of BMC remote control on that hardware and it looked like it stalled during startup - then I remember I had set it to allow F8 options on boot. It's updated and running now, but I need a brandy - the drink, not the stripper!!!

The only question now - is will it behave and just download updates and not install them by itself in future?


The Windows Update system has been fixed. The only thing I would recommend is that you compare the settings across the machines to ensure their config and GPOs are the same.

By default, it should ask and tell you that there are updates available.
They are all configured the same way - to download and notify only

$WUSettings = (New-Object -com "Microsoft.Update.AutoUpdate").Settings

Reboot has been disabled (as with all servers since they started playing this game) and the reboot file in UpdateOrchestrator was renamed and blank directory created with the same name..

The last thing I need is for these things to reboot on their own accord

I guess we will see what it does with definition updates.

Thank you for all your patience and help.

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