I am having difficulty running SFC /scannow and the DSIM utility. DISM gives an error "1812 An initialization error occurred" and SFC Gives the error "Windows Resurce Protection could not start the repair service." I have tried all the "fixes" I found through a Google search and nothing worked. I think i narrowed it down to the error "DISM OS Provider: PID=6224 TID=7000 Failed trying to determine the OS Version" from the DISM log and it further relates to the folder "amd64_microsoft-windows-servicingstack_31bf3856ad364e35_6.3.9600.19991_none_fa0fb7959b4c8c91" in the C:\Windows\WinSXS folder and the accompanying registry entry. I tried running both SFCfix and the ComponentsScanner. They both completed without making any changes. I have attached the ComponentsScanner.txt file and the zip of the CBS folder to this thread.
I accidentally posted this in the Windows update thread but I don't know how to move it so I just recreated this one. I really need some help on this.
I accidentally posted this in the Windows update thread but I don't know how to move it so I just recreated this one. I really need some help on this.