[SOLVED] SFC FIX found SURT total detected corruption count: 71

Let's try removing the problem update using DISM.

DISM /Online /Remove-Package /PackageName:Package_for_KB2952664~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~

Once this has completed, restart and run SFC again to check if the problem still exists.
Done that. Rebooted. SFC found erros, repaired them and subsequent runs found no errors. KB2952664 is presented in Windows Update as Opitional but I have not reinstalled. I see that it is the Windows 10 Nagware. Shall I ignore and hide it.?
It is indeed the Windows 10 nagware update.

If you'd like to upgrade to Windows 10 at some point feel free to install it, otherwise hiding and ignoring it would be fine.

So at this point everything works as expected?
Glad to help!

I'll mark the thread solved. If you encounter any problems, please post back and I will continue to assist you.

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