Swiss Testing Brains


Well-known member
Hey Ladies & Gents,

I'm having a major problem. As you guys know, I'm taking Cisco CCENT / A+ Classes at Job Corp. Well, my tests are slowly slipping.

Skills Review - 93.2%
Chapter 1 - 93%
Chapter 2 - 100%
Chapter 3 - 79.1% (1st try), 90% (2nd try)
Chapter 4 - 90.9%
Chapter 5 - 85.4%
Chapter 6 - 85.7%
Check Point Exam (1 - 6) - 79.2% (80/101 points - 50 Questions)

As you can see, my scores are slowly dropping.

What I want to know is, is there any tips or tricks that you guys know of for retaining information better? Cause I'm struggling hard, I spend 8 hours a day reading, and then take a test. I mean, my goal was 90% across the board on ALL tests, but Chapters 5 & 6 were the biggest of them all. I'm trying to get my schooling done, so I can contribute to society.

- Thomas
8 hours a day is pretty heavy. How often are you taking breaks?

Your results are still good, are the tests so far practice tests or the real thing? With most things, chapters also tend to get harder as you progress.

Everyone learns differently, but consider whether just reading for 8 hours a day is the most effective method. Other than that, find ways to test yourself constantly. Set yourself mini tests and excercises to help you remember. I'd also suggest you write out important info, rather than just reading it. Writing out things will help you remember, if you're not already doing it.
Hey Will,

I take breaks at 9:45 - 10AM, Lunch is at 11:45AM to 12:15 PM, and our final break is 1:45PM to 2PM PST. Chapters 7 & 8 are 85%+ as well. They're chapter tests, sort of 'previews' to what you ascertained from the chapter. I don't take my A+ test till November, I wanted ample time to study for it. I figured, if I can ace the Chapters 1 - 6 Exam, and the 7 - 12 Exam, and then the Preview Exam for Overall, I'd take the Final, and if i passed that, i get to take the final.

I read for a bit, and if I can, check my email or read SysNative News :p

It would be incredibly hard to write out everything, because its all in large chunks of paragraphs, I can always give it a try.
I don't mean to write out everything, but if you're able to pick out key facts or make more concise notes then it may help you.

Most people find it difficult to remember information if they have to work for several hours constantly. You may find it helps to take a short break every 40 minutes or so. Everyone learns in a different way though, so just go with whatever works for you.
I don't mean to write out everything, but if you're able to pick out key facts or make more concise notes then it may help you.

Most people find it difficult to remember information if they have to work for several hours constantly. You may find it helps to take a short break every 40 minutes or so. Everyone learns in a different way though, so just go with whatever works for you.

I always take notes even if it isn't required.

I have found I retain information much better if I have written it down...

I can do several hours straight and that is how I normally do it...

Not because I enjoy it or it works best but, because I am an avid procrastinator...

Generally I start my work after dinner and work until it is finished.... Sometimes going up until 6AM the next day...

I frequently take short breaks to grab a drink or pace around the room to clear my head...

This works well for me, may not for you but.... Maybe it will give you some ideas.:thumbsup2:
I'll have to give these a try. I'm simply having a rough time remembering all the details I need. The last chapter was on Cell Phones, and I struggled with remembering it. Not to mention I didn't know squat about Android phones and failed the test because of it.
Mmm, I'm with you on that one. I still have a Verizon LG Cosmos (from 2006... or 2008.... either way, not a smartphone). I know next to nothing about smartphones, they're basically alien technology to me. Lots of my friends and people in general make fun of me because my life is so revolved around computers and such, but I know nothing about today's smartphone. Not even the basics. :grin1:
Mmm, I'm with you on that one. I still have a Verizon LG Cosmos (from 2006... or 2008.... either way, not a smartphone). I know next to nothing about smartphones, they're basically alien technology to me. Lots of my friends and people in general make fun of me because my life is so revolved around computers and such, but I know nothing about today's smartphone. Not even the basics. :grin1:

I feel you on that patrick, I just got an iPhone 4S and I have to teach myself to be careful with my data package. 2GB / 30 days is ROUGH.

Anyways, I did a little bit of what people have suggested and it worked so far. I'm also reading things much slower. My last test I took was on troubleshooting & proper IT Professional behavior. I missed 1 of 22 problems, and the right answer was my first pick, but didn't sound "logical" to me. DOH!

To some saddening news now, :(

I'm going to take a break from SysNative, I'll answer my PMs but most likely won't log onto the site. I feel as if I "spam" too much. I recently looked through the last posts, and for 20 or so posts, it was nothing but me. I feel stressed from school work, the life of being a Leader here at Job Corp, and trying to learn things on SysNative. I already have a bit of an issue with one person, I feel as if said person talks down to me, and that I'm of lesser intelligence because I don't know things. But hey, I live with these people daily, so I'm used to it.

Don't let this comment let you new people think negatively about this website. It is by far, one of the best techie sites I've come across, it just needs a growth spurt shot, every 6 months and it'll purr like a 454 big block runnin' in a 67' Chevelle with suicide doors. :)

With that said,

Thank you for all the wonderful information, and the chance to meet awesome people, i.e. Corrine, Patrick, Mr. Willy Watts :p, and the glorious Forums Owner. I can't remember his name, otherwise I would have posted that.


- Thomas
We'll see you when your head clears from your studies, Thomas, and you have time for us here. Take care of yourself and keep up the good work with your studies (21 out of 22 correct is excellent!).

As to the "glorious Forums Owner" (who now has a very fat head thanks to you :D ), that is jcgriff2.
Good luck with all your studies, Thomas. I am more than sure you'll do great. We aren't going anywhere, so come back to us when you aren't overwhelmed!
Good luck with all your studies, Thomas. I am more than sure you'll do great. We aren't going anywhere, so come back to us when you aren't overwhelmed!

Thanks Patrick! I will.

Just stoppin' by to answer a few PMs. Anyways, studies are going well, I got a 90.1% on my half way exam, and my 801 test I got a 71.3%, so I now know what I need to study.

Seems as if, when I don't post on here, drama happens.

To explain a little further...

Recently (Sunday, the 27th) I was moved to a different dorm deemed the "Independent Living" dorm. No staff, lots of freedoms, etc. Turns out they were too independent and treated it like a frat house. So I was moved to be the "authority" figure. Well, as of today, I found out that the rumors were being spread that I'm a "snitch". To be honest, I'm not. I won't lie to cover someone elses stupidity, nor will I make myself look like a fool by lying. Not to mention, I'm here for myself, and no one else. With that being said, I'm also having trouble with a lady friend. I won't lie, I'm about as good as using sand paper for toilet paper. That's about how good I am with women. Anyways, if you have suggestions or want the full story, pm me. I'll get back to you sometime this week.

Oh, I'm also losing weight too! :) 399lbs (Original Weight), I'm down to 369lbs now :) Yay!
Sorry for the late response,

I found throughout all my years of going to school, 10 years of post-secondary with some year long breaks in between, the best way for me to learn stuff was to teach it to other people. So I always offered my services to help people and that way when they came to me with questions that I couldn't answer I would know exactly what I had to study and what I knew already.
Sorry for the late response,

I found throughout all my years of going to school, 10 years of post-secondary with some year long breaks in between, the best way for me to learn stuff was to teach it to other people. So I always offered my services to help people and that way when they came to me with questions that I couldn't answer I would know exactly what I had to study and what I knew already.

I'm not a very good teacher. Never have been. I can't teach people, I have to do it myself. I find myself to think more clearly, and easily when I'm not trying to think + form words at the same time.

- Thomas
i watched a bbc documentary on intuition -
to clear the brain to get the answers flowing, the dr.'s running this study had the subjects do menial, but constructive tasks for about 10 minutes before getting back to cognitive work.
(example - sorting a pile of different colored lego into separate colors - easy & productive)

u may want to try that - it helps me.

i taught evening college for 10 years after work, and as mentioned above, it's true - to learn something, teach it. you gotta be well versed to teach - nothing like being a fool in front of 30 business owners or sharp, young students!
i watched a bbc documentary on intuition -
to clear the brain to get the answers flowing, the dr.'s running this study had the subjects do menial, but constructive tasks for about 10 minutes before getting back to cognitive work.
(example - sorting a pile of different colored lego into separate colors - easy & productive)

u may want to try that - it helps me.

i taught evening college for 10 years after work, and as mentioned above, it's true - to learn something, teach it. you gotta be well versed to teach - nothing like being a fool in front of 30 business owners or sharp, young students!

Aye, true is that. I prefer to be a grunt, over giving orders. It just doesn't suit my personality. Teaching has always been hard for me, I have very little patience for people. Which is why I generally don't help others, unless I can do it on my own time. My family is an exception, I'll always have patience for them. Especially my mother, who isn't very good with anything beyond Windows XP. So teaching her is a challenge, but it works.

Temmu, I shall give it a try. No promises though. I shall also eat a well diverse breakfast. Not too much to make me sleepy, but not too little that I don't have brain power.

- Thomas

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