Sysinternals Tools Updates

Sure wish they would fix BGInfo (Background Information). It used to work great in multimonitor setups on W7 but has not since W8, even after a couple updates. :(

I've reported the problem more than once. I guess there just are not enough complaints to make it a priority.

Oh well.
Process Monitor 2.0 for Linux and Sysmon v15.15

Procmon 2.0 for Linux
Process Monitor for Linux, a convenient and efficient way for developers to trace the syscall activity on the system, is now updated to support a broader range of Linux distributions.

Sysmon v15.15
This update to Sysmon fixes a hang occurring when memory is constrained, improves FsFilter performance, and fixes two rare crashes related to FileBlockShredding and PipeEvent.
ProcDump 1.0 for Mac

Release repository for ProcDump-for-Mac. Source code is available in the ProcDump-for-Linux repo.


To install ProcDump for Mac, you'll need to install Homebrew if you haven't already.
  • Add the Sysinternals tap: brew tap sysinternals/sysinternalstap
  • Install individual Sysinternals tools: brew install procdump
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Ctrl2Cap v3.0 and BgInfo v4.33

Learn about the latest updates to Ctrl2Cap and BgInfo

Ctrl2Cap v3.0
Ctrl2Cap, a tool to help remap the Caps Lock key to Ctrl, has been updated to run on Windows 10 and 11, and not require a driver.

BgInfo v4.33
This update to BgInfo fixes two crashes, and adds text for Windows 11 and Windows Server 2025.

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