Unable to clear protection history in Windows Defender

I recently used a script to clean malware from a machine.
It's agressive (it wipes alot of logs and such(it did not remove any of the files or apps from the computer)) but it cleared all of the Windows Defender logs.
I can PM you the name if you're interested, but you'll have to use it at your own risk.
Since you activated the 1 day automatic clearing, is the Yellow Warning ever appearing in the Windows Security taskbar icon? Glad the nuke program worked
EDIT: What I was going to suggest before seeing your Post #21 was reversing the auto cleaning.
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Since you activated the 1 day automatic clearing, is the Yellow Warning ever appearing in the Windows Security taskbar icon? Glad the nuke program worked
EDIT: What I was going to suggest before seeing your Post #21 was reversing the auto cleaning.
No, i have the green warning, everything is ok, except gor the "populated protection history log...":(

Run Malwarebytes now and than, everythings ok with a cleaning log file...
Let's see if you have a clean bill of health. Read these instructions: Malware Removal Posting Instructions and after posting in Security Arena a malware expert can diagnose if all is OK. This goes way beyond your AV/Firewall or MBAM.
Is it safe?! Edge browser didn't allowed the download i used firefox and it gave me this warning, by the way i have malwarebytes installed.Captura de ecrã 2022-05-17 221558.png

If you download FRST from here (Bleeping Computer link), which the malware posting instructions also link to, or here (Geeks To Go link) then it safe yes, those are the only official links for FRST.

Yes, your browser and antivirus software may flag this tool, but they are false positives. Many antivirus vendors have been sent requests for excluding FRST in future detections, but FRST is updated very frequently (sometimes multiple times a day) so that struggle continues to exist.

FRST does not require installation, it is a standalone app. You may need to unblock it though, right click FRST > properties > check Unblock > click Apply.
Thanks axe0, i´ve just downloaded FRST from Geeks To Go, sorry the logs automatically assumed portuguese language.


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