Video STUTTERING, Audio CRACKS/POPS and dpc/isr LATENCY (posting instructions)


Staff member
Dec 31, 2013
World, Europe, Italy
Co-author and topic starter: Admin writhziden

Please use the Windows Performance Analyzer (WPA) to provide us with your trace file.
You can check the original tutorial for Windows 7: How to Diagnose and Fix High DPC Latency Issues with WPA (Windows Vista/7/8) (click).
By the way, very similar steps can be used with the Windows 10 (and they are explained, with pictures, in following steps, at points 1 and 2).

  1. Download and install the Windows 10 SDK - Software Development Kit (click).
    Currently it's named winsdksetup.exe, size 1.13MB; but this can change when newer versions are released.
    Check the instructions I made for you:
    Read More:

    You can generate a new trace with this command, from an elevated command prompt window:
    xperf -on DiagEasy
    In case you don't know how to open an elevated command prompt in windows 10, these are the available methods:
    Read More:
    Wait some time (Niemiro said: "Wait until the computer has gone through a period of stuttering slowness") and then launch the following command (always in an elevated command prompt):
    xperf -d "%userprofile%\Desktop\trace.etl"
    If you prefer to use powershell (admin), the command to launch is
    xperf -d "$env:userprofile\Desktop\trace.etl"
    You should find the file trace.etl on the Desktop of your administrator account).
    Zip (not RAR, please) the trace.etl up.
    Check MicroSoft Support How-To: Zip and unzip files (click) if you don't know how to zip files.

  2. Download and run the BSOD Collection Application.

    • Sysnative BSOD Collection (Dump files + System Files) Application Download LINK

      For more information, read here:
      Read More:

    • Save it to DOCUMENTS folder.
      It's usually in C:\Users\Your-Windows-Profile-Name\Documents.
      Or "%userprofile%\documents".

    • Run the app

      Double-click on the downloaded EXE file.
      - New folder created in Documents: SysnativeFileCollectionApp
      - A zipped version:

      Please be patient until it finishes.
      For more information, read here:
      Read More:

  3. Retrieve System Information, using speccy.
    Read More:

  4. Create a new thread HERE (if you do not have one yet) and attach the log files.

    In your new thread you will post the following requested information:

    • Provide the speccy link you got in the clipboard at previous point.

    • Provide answers for (answer the best that you can)
      Read More:

    • You need to use a file sharing service to upload the zipped trace.etl and the
      Then provide the links that are generated by the hosting service in your post.
      Several file sharing options are listed below (they are clickable links), however you are not limited to these:

  5. While waiting for a reply.

Last edited:
Re: POSTING INSTRUCTIONS for DPC/ISR latency, stuttering, cracks/pops


Thanks for the information and reply.
I got up to Step E. My Laptop has Windows 7, not Windows 10. Step E says Windows 10 SDK... When I was downloading, the windows said "download" instead of "Install". I found a folder called Installers with lots of executable files.

Therefore, I couldn’t run xperf –on DiagEasy… It says that ‘xperf’ is not recognized as an internal or external program, operable program or batch file.
I installed Windows Performance Tool Kit but it was called now WindowsKits/10/WindowsSDK. There are several executable files in a folder called Installers. Should I install all of them?

I could not go forward from step E. Can you please help me explaining what can be wrong?
In the meantime, this is the information I gathered from the previous steps: Laptop issues
Many thanks, and kind regards,
Re: POSTING INSTRUCTIONS for DPC/ISR latency, stuttering, cracks/pops

Hi asintoras,

If you installed WPT, you could open a command prompt in the folder with xperf.exe and run the command in it.
Re: POSTING INSTRUCTIONS for DPC/ISR latency, stuttering, cracks/pops

It just does not work... From what I see, the link you posted was for Windows 10 and I have Windows 7...
The version for Windows 7 is called differently: Windows Automated Installation Kit (AIK). I am installing it right now and will check it out.
Re: POSTING INSTRUCTIONS for DPC/ISR latency, stuttering, cracks/pops

I tried installing the AIK but it did not work either, as it was asking for a disc to burn the image and then said the image was too big for the disc and failed (the CD was new of course).
I updated the questionnaire in the Dropbox folder with a PDF showing the folder structure of what I downloaded, which apparently it's something else, despite being from the link you provided.
There's one fix for all NDIS-related DPC latency issues in Windows 10, in particular choppy sound/audio in Dell XPS L701x & L702x.
Remove the Intel Centrino MINI PCIe WIFI card, and replace it with an Atheros one.
End of problem!
I kid you not.
[And yes, Dell should be shot for this]
[And yes, Dell should be shot for this]
Yeah, and for other things long time ago. Gaming PCs with 2x Nvidia in SLI on 450 W cheap PSU, ppl crying having restarts and black screens while other waiting hours on support phone numbers.
Co-author and topic starter: Admin writhziden

Please use the Windows Performance Analyzer (WPA) to provide us with your trace file.
You can check the original tutorial for Windows 7: How to Diagnose and Fix High DPC Latency Issues with WPA (Windows Vista/7/8) (click).
By the way, very similar steps can be used with the Windows 10 (and they are explained, with pictures, in following steps, at points 1 and 2).

  1. Download and install the Windows 10 SDK - Software Development Kit (click).
    Currently it's named winsdksetup.exe, size 1.13MB; but this can change when newer versions are released.
    Check the instructions I made for you:
    Read More:

    You can generate a new trace with this command, from an elevated command prompt window:
    xperf -on DiagEasy
    In case you don't know how to open an elevated command promptin windows 10, these are the available methods:
    Read More:
    Wait some time (Niemiro said: "Wait until the computer has gone through a period of stuttering slowness") and then launch the following command (always in an elevated command prompt):
    xperf -d "%userprofile%\Desktop\trace.etl"
    If you prefer to use powershell (admin), the command to launch is
    xperf -d "$env:userprofile\Desktop\trace.etl"
    You should find the file trace.etl on the Desktop of your administrator account).
    Zip (not RAR, please) the trace.etl up.
    Check MicroSoft Support How-To: Zip and unzip files (click) if you don't know how to zip files.

  2. Download and run the BSOD Collection Application.
    • Sysnative BSOD Collection (Dump files + System Files) Application Download LINK

      For more information, read here:
      Read More:

    • Save it to DOCUMENTS folder.
      It's usually in C:\Users\Your-Windows-Profile-Name\Documents.
      Or "%userprofile%\documents".

    • Run the app

      Double-click on the downloaded EXE file.
      - New folder created in Documents: SysnativeFileCollectionApp
      - A zipped version:

      Please be patient until it finishes.
      For more information, read here:
      Read More:

  3. Retrieve System Information, using speccy.
    Read More:

  4. Create a new thread HERE (if you do not have one yet) and attach the log files.

    In your new thread you will post the following requested information:
    • Provide the speccy link you got in the clipboard at previous point.

    • Provide answers for (answer the best that you can)
      Read More:

    • You need to use a file sharing service to upload the zipped trace.etl and the
      Then provide the links that are generated by the hosting service in your post.
      Several file sharing options are listed below (they are clickable links), however you are not limited to these:

  5. While waiting for a reply.
hey , i dont know if you're still alive but how did you run the" xperf -on DiagEasy " command
Open windows 11 start, type wpr and find WPRUI.exe between the results.
If nothing appears, download the windows ADK for your windows 11 version and install the windows performance toolkit.
If instead WPRUI appears, click it.
When it opens, click the (show) more options button.
In resource analysis tick: file i/o, networking i/o, gpu activity.
In scenario analysis tick: audio glitches or video glitches (or both, if you have both problems).
Click start.
Reproduce the issue you got on your PC.
Stop WPRUI, save the file, zip it and send it in your topic.

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