• Still running Windows 7 or earlier? Support for Windows 7 ended on January 14th 2020. Please review the thread here for more details.

[W7] NTFS File System.

The nfi.exe program does not support or I do not know how to use it to show UNICODE filename as well? Please help!
What is it exactly that you're trying to achieve? Is there a specific problem with your PC that you'd like help with?

We can't help with outdated tools or their usage - you would probably struggle to even find many people at Microsoft who could tell you the full information about some of their older tools.

If you're using NTFSInfo, all the info is here:
NTFSInfo - Windows Sysinternals | Microsoft Docs

If you're using nfi.exe - this tool is so outdated I can't even find it on the Microsoft website anymore. If the tool doesn't support it unicode filenames, it's unlikely anyone here will be able to tell you how to find out the information.
I do not know if it is not using, maybe Unicode uses some command?
NTFSInfo is a useless tool for me!
I will not repeat myself many times! If you do not know what it means, then please try to gain more knowledge.
I still ask which tool to save information about:
Directory NTFS File ID
I will not repeat myself many times! If you do not know what it means, then please try to gain more knowledge.

Hi Maki,

We're trying to help you here - if you're going to continue to be rude to us, I'm more than happy to add another ban to your account. Do you understand?

Your question doesn't make sense, if you'd like our help you're going to need to be more clear about what you're asking. I appreciate that English is not your first language, but it's very hard for us to understand what you're trying to say. You may wish to "gain more knowledge" in this area.

If you have the NTFS File ID already, then information on translating this into a filename is fairly scarce - there is this thread from 2008, but the tools it references are no longer available:
Locating a file on an NTFS partition via the file number given by chkdsk... - Ars Technica OpenForum

There is a potential answer here that might do what you're asking using NFI:
windows 7 - Find file or directory by NTFS id - Super User

Again, I'm not 100% clear on what you're asking. There have been multiple questions around chkdsk and NTFS file names - do you have a specific problem with your PC that we can help with?
Old NTFS is not perfect, it was only in Windows 10 that they improved the system to automatically correct system errors. Regarding Windows 7 - If CHKDSK determines file id 1076548 is problematic, it will damage it when repairing it.
If I know the name of the file, I have a huge chance that sooner or later I will recover it without any problems.
There's no perfect system - you're right that NTFS and CHKDSK are not perfect, however from our experience (with the tool being run across 50-100 thousand different PCs) the risk of CHKDSK causing issues is very low. If you're encountering an issue with CHKDSK on your machine there may be some other factors contributing to this which make this an unusual case.

The command from superuser should help with this, assuming the tool still works correctly on Windows 7.
windows 7 - Find file or directory by NTFS id - Super User

Please bear in mind that I have not tested the command as I don't have a Windows 7 machine to hand. Any tools are run at your own risk.
It even saves files quickly, but it only works with Non-Unicode file names.
If it's Unicode then I will not save the ID of the file or folder.

Hi Maki,

I've no idea what you're trying to say here.

Did the solution from superuser work? Is there a different problem?
Work but not all.
I used a simple command to save information about files, but I still do not know the correct command to save information about files from Unicode (eg Russian names or Chinese or many other languages in the names of folders or files)
I tried -UTF-8 but it seems incorrect.
Perhaps I should do it in PowerShel (better than CMD) and support Unicode?
I do not have an account on that forum, but it would be useful to ask someone about it.
I usually use this command:
[B]chcp 1252 |[/B] YourCommandHere > "%userprofile%\desktop\YourReport.txt"
As an example, when I set the system in Italian, the dir command shows:
C:\>dir /a
Il volume nell'unità C è
If I redirects the output to a text file on the desktop, those two characters aren't shown correctly.
In that case, I must use that command:
[B]chcp 1252 |[/B] dir /a > "%userprofile%\desktop\files list inside c partition.txt"

CHange Code Page, chcp 1252, is valid for West European Latin.
You should try 855 for Cyrillic (Russian).
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It actually doesn't help the fact you are using NFI.exe, while we are trying to understand what you're doing without having the tool at hand.
Couldn't you provide the tool to us (so we can try to help you better)?
Or a working link to it?
Is it the NFI.exe tool that is giving you bad encoding results?
Or are you redirecting the results to notepad/notepad++ or another editor?
Or what?
Last edited:
Ok (downloaded and tried).
What editor are you using to show the results?
Or the problem you're experiencing is directly inside the command prompt when you are using the NFI tool?
Ex: Notepad++ (but it does not matter what text editor you use.)
Shows the file ID, but does not include the folder name or file (missing)
It should show:
\ок {russian filename)

File [B]119[/B]



    $FILE_NAME (resident)

    $OBJECT_ID (resident)

    $INDEX_ROOT $I30 (resident)
That's strange because notepad++ shows the text directly in UTF-8 encoding.
At least here in this machine without having changed strange settings...
Not sure why we are writing in two threads about the same matter.
Anyway, you can try this command at your own risk:
reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CodePage" /v OEMCP /t reg_sz /d 65001
C:\>reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CodePage" /v OEMCP /t reg_sz /d 65001
Value OEMCP exists, overwrite(Yes/No)? yes
The operation completed successfully.

I think this thing needs a reboot: I tried to open another command prompt window, but the code page is still 850.
I didn't try to reboot.
The default value on my system is 850, and that value is shown in the properties of an opened command prompt window (instance), in options tab, under Current code page.
Someone says this is risky (not sure why), therefore remember to reverts back to the default value when you finished your task.
add multiple encodings

@ECHO off


FOR /f "skip=2 tokens=3" %%i in ('reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CodePage /v OEMCP') do set OEMCP=%%i

ECHO System default values:

ECHO ...............................................
ECHO Select Codepage 
ECHO ...............................................
ECHO 1 - CP1252
ECHO 2 - UTF-8
ECHO 3 - CP850
ECHO 4 - ISO-8859-1
ECHO 5 - ISO-8859-15
ECHO 9 - Reset to System Default (CP%OEMCP%)

SET /P  CP="Select a Codepage: "

if %CP%==1 (
    echo Set default Codepage to CP1252
    reg add "%ROOT_KEY%\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor" /v Autorun /t REG_SZ /d "@chcp 1252>nul" /f
) else if %CP%==2 (
    echo Set default Codepage to UTF-8
    reg add "%ROOT_KEY%\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor" /v Autorun /t REG_SZ /d "@chcp 65001>nul" /f
) else if %CP%==3 (
    echo Set default Codepage to CP850
    reg add "%ROOT_KEY%\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor" /v Autorun /t REG_SZ /d "@chcp 850>nul" /f
) else if %CP%==4 (
    echo Set default Codepage to ISO-8859-1
    add "%ROOT_KEY%\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor" /v Autorun /t REG_SZ /d "@chcp 28591>nul" /f
) else if %CP%==5 (
    echo Set default Codepage to ISO-8859-15
    add "%ROOT_KEY%\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor" /v Autorun /t REG_SZ /d "@chcp 28605>nul" /f
) else if %CP%==6 (
    echo Set default Codepage to ASCII
    add "%ROOT_KEY%\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor" /v Autorun /t REG_SZ /d "@chcp 20127>nul" /f
) else if %CP%==9 (
    echo Reset Codepage to System Default
    reg delete "%ROOT_KEY%\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor" /v AutoRun /f
) else if %CP%==0 (
    echo Bye
) else (
    echo Invalid choice
Yes, correctly set the coding in CMD, just change the font and OK.
Microsoft Windows [Wersja 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeľone.

C:\Windows\system32>chcp 65001
Aktywna strona kodowa: 65001


But, despite trying hard, he does not write non-English names.
Only backslash and file id shows without additional information about the file path.:huh:

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