Win 7, x64 "A clock interrupt was not received on a secondary processor"


New member
May 27, 2018
  • Windows 7
  • x64
  • Windows 7
  • 5~ years for hardware
  • 1~ year for most recent installation of the OS
  • i-5 4690
  • 760 gtx
  • z97-a
  • Seasonic 620w -SS620GB
  • Desktop

Hopefully I've added what was needed here. Thank you in advance for whoever ends up helping me out.


Re: Win 7, x64 "A clock interrupt was not received on a secondary processor"

Hello Haeso,

There are a lot of bad blocks being identified on your harddisk3. Is this the USB drive which is attached? I'm not sure that it is part of the problem but something to be aware of.

2018-05-27T00:52:17.418  The device, \Device\Harddisk3\DR3, has a bad block.
2018-05-27T00:31:28.875  The device, \Device\Harddisk3\DR3, has a bad block.
2018-05-27T00:31:19.919  The device, \Device\Harddisk3\DR3, has a bad block.
2018-05-27T00:31:16.230  The device, \Device\Harddisk3\DR3, has a bad block.

2018-05-27T14:10:21.405  The default transaction resource manager on volume H: encountered a non-retryable error and could not start.  The data contains the error code.

Your C: drive is also getting low on space:
2018-05-26T14:41:16.000  The dump file at location: C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP was deleted because the disk volume had less than 25 GB free space.

Your most recent crash mini-dump file shows the following:

[COLOR=#1e1e1e]0: kd> .load pde;!dpx[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#1e1e1e] PDE v11.3 - Copyright 2017 Andrew Richards[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#1e1e1e]Start memory scan  : 0xfffff880136f4428 ($csp)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#1e1e1e]End memory scan    : 0xfffff880136f5000 (Kernel Stack Base)[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#1e1e1e]0xfffff880136f44a0 : 0xfffff80003247180 : [/COLOR][COLOR=#000080]nt!KiInitialPCR+0x180[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#1e1e1e]0xfffff880136f44b8 : 0xfffff800030ea167 : [/COLOR][COLOR=#000080]nt!KeUpdateSystemTime+0x377[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#1e1e1e]0xfffff880136f4578 : 0xfffff880107ac19e : [/COLOR][COLOR=#000080]dxgmms1!VidSchDdiNotifyInterruptWorker+0x1ea[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#1e1e1e]0xfffff880136f45b0 : 0xfffff80003247180 : [/COLOR][COLOR=#000080]nt!KiInitialPCR+0x180[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#1e1e1e]0xfffff880136f45b8 : 0xfffff8000301f8e9 : [/COLOR][COLOR=#000080]hal!HalpHpetClockInterrupt+0x8d[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#1e1e1e]0xfffff880136f45c0 : 0xfffff80003044360 : [/COLOR][COLOR=#000080]hal!HalpKInterruptHeap+0x360[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#1e1e1e]0xfffff880136f45d0 : 0xfffff80003044360 : [/COLOR][COLOR=#000080]hal!HalpKInterruptHeap+0x360[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#1e1e1e]0xfffff880136f45e8 : 0xfffff8000310240f : [/COLOR][COLOR=#000080]nt!KiInterruptDispatchNoLock+0xaf[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#1e1e1e]0xfffff880136f45f0 : 0x00000000885119cf :  [/COLOR][U][COLOR=#0066cc]Trap @ fffff880136f45f0[/COLOR][/U]
[COLOR=#1e1e1e]0xfffff880136f45f8 : 0xfffff80003247180 : [/COLOR][COLOR=#000080]nt!KiInitialPCR+0x180[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#ff0000]Unable to load image \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\nvlddmkm.sys, Win32 error 0n2
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for nvlddmkm.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for nvlddmkm.sys[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#1e1e1e]0xfffff880136f4650 : 0xfffff8000315dd50 : [/COLOR][COLOR=#000080]nt!KiFlushRangeWorker[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#1e1e1e]0xfffff880136f4758 : 0xfffff80003089932 : [/COLOR][COLOR=#000080]nt!KiIpiSendRequestEx+0xb2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#1e1e1e]0xfffff880136f4798 : 0xfffff80003247180 : [/COLOR][COLOR=#000080]nt!KiInitialPCR+0x180[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#1e1e1e]0xfffff880136f47b8 : 0xfffff80003170e13 : [/COLOR][COLOR=#000080]nt!KeFlushMultipleRangeTb+0x1c3[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#1e1e1e]0xfffff880136f47d8 : 0xfffff80003247180 : [/COLOR][COLOR=#000080]nt!KiInitialPCR+0x180[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#1e1e1e]0xfffff880136f47f0 : 0xfffff8000315dd50 : [/COLOR][COLOR=#000080]nt!KiFlushRangeWorker[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#1e1e1e]0xfffff880136f4848 : 0xfffff800030df171 : [/COLOR][COLOR=#000080]nt!MiFlushPteList+0x65[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#1e1e1e]0xfffff880136f4878 : 0xfffff800031c2d75 : [/COLOR][COLOR=#000080]nt!MiDeleteVirtualAddresses+0x6b5[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#1e1e1e]0xfffff880136f4908 : 0xfffff80003247180 : [/COLOR][COLOR=#000080]nt!KiInitialPCR+0x180[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#1e1e1e]0xfffff880136f4938 : 0xfffff800030b21e2 : [/COLOR][COLOR=#000080]nt!KiCommitThreadWait+0x1d2[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#1e1e1e]0xfffff880136f4990 : 0xfffff80003247180 : [/COLOR][COLOR=#000080]nt!KiInitialPCR+0x180[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#1e1e1e]0xfffff880136f49e8 : 0xfffff8000309c574 : [/COLOR][COLOR=#000080]nt!NtFreeVirtualMemory+0xb34[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#1e1e1e]0xfffff880136f4a98 : 0xfffff80003103b32 : [/COLOR][COLOR=#000080]nt!KiDispatchInterrupt+0x12[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#1e1e1e]0xfffff880136f4aa8 : 0xfffff8000301f8e9 : [/COLOR][COLOR=#000080]hal!HalpHpetClockInterrupt+0x8d[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#1e1e1e]0xfffff880136f4ad8 : 0xfffff800031114d3 : [/COLOR][COLOR=#000080]nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd+0x13[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#1e1e1e]0xfffff880136f4ae0 : 0xffffffffffffffff :  [/COLOR][U][COLOR=#0066cc]Trap @ fffff880136f4ae0[/COLOR][/U]

Try to update your graphics driver nvlddmkm.sys to the latest version.
Re: Win 7, x64 "A clock interrupt was not received on a secondary processor"

It is indeed USB connected, and not that old, might be time to check my warranty on it I suppose.

C drive is back up to 200gb free, had been doing some general cleanup preparing for a drive failure which means only leaving stuff I care about on the drive for when I backup.

I'll go ahead and update the drivers now.

I have gotten an irql_not_less_or_equal and Machine Check Exception since the original post as well if that helps narrow things down any.

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