[Win10Pro x64] BugCheck 0x116 VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE

I wonder, if however unlikely, you have got a second dead card... :(

That would be really unfortunate :lol: But i don't think so even i'm not an expert. And you're right - symptoms shows relevance to vga, that was my understanding from the beginning. Anyway i'm reading about 0x116,117 now (got some spare time). I'll keep looking at it and post back. I'll try also memtest86+. And if you have something else to suggest i'll be waiting.

[FONT=&quot]To prevent timeout detection from occurring, hardware vendors should ensure that graphics operations (that is, direct memory access (DMA) buffer completion) take no more than 2 seconds in end-user scenarios such as productivity and game play.[/FONT]
To go a bit further - If it's something like that then is it vendor related?
It would be unlikely, but I'm not quite sure where else to go with this!

Dumps are great, but they can't solve everything. All the dumps do is show me what was going on in your system at the time of the crash. This is great if you're dealing with a software issue, but for hardware it can be hard to work out what's going on from them.

Definitely give the RAM a good test though. Just been running your older dumps now I'm home - some highlights

BugCheck 1E, {ffffffffc0000005, fffff8084777217a, ffff9e01517f5d38, ffff9e01517f5560}

*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found.  Defaulted to export symbols for clipsp.sys - 
Probably caused by : [B]memory_corruption[/B]

Followup:     memory_corruption

Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck 116, {ffffcf0f8b5ce010, fffff80cd6a527b0, ffffffffc000009a, 4}

*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for nvlddmkm.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for nvlddmkm.sys
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for win32k.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for win32k.sys
Probably caused by : [B]memory_corruption[/B]

Followup:     memory_corruption

This bugcheck is generated when the kernel detects that critical kernel code or
data have been corrupted. There are generally three causes for a corruption:
1) A driver has inadvertently or deliberately modified critical kernel code
 or data. See http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/driver/kernel/64bitPatching.mspx
2) A developer attempted to set a normal kernel breakpoint using a kernel
 debugger that was not attached when the system was booted. Normal breakpoints,
 "bp", can only be set if the debugger is attached at boot time. Hardware
 breakpoints, "ba", can be set at any time.
[B]3) A hardware corruption occurred, e.g. failing RAM holding kernel code or data.

The Verifier enabled dump shows NVidia again.

So your next step is to test the RAM for at least 8 passes, but in this scenario I'm going to suggest as many as you can. 12-24hrs would be ideal.

Hi Tekno Venus - Stephen. :wave:

What's your opinion about the windows memory diagnostic tool (with the extended option and 15 passes) and memtest86 (without plus), that should be more updated than memtest86+?
Trying to create a bootable usb here is impossible with memtest86+ 5.01 iso or installer for usb-key

i use a transcend 8 gb where rufus can't create the bootable drive : "The image is either non-bootable,or it uses a boot or compession method that is not supported by Rufus..."
When i used the auto installer the drive is formated and reported bootable but when trying to boot it goes straight to os.
I forgot to ask if you are overclocking your system: CPU or RAM or GPU.
And if the problem happens also without overclocking.
I saw your other thread on EVGA forum and it seems you are using EVGA Precision XOC.
Hi Tekno Venus - Stephen. :wave:

What's your opinion about the windows memory diagnostic tool (with the extended option and 15 passes) and memtest86 (without plus), that should be more updated than memtest86+?
Wouldn't recommend the Windows Memory Diagnostics. Have seen it miss stuff that memtest has detected

The standard Memtest86 is more up to date nowadays, but I've always had good success with the plus version even though it's older. I just recommend the plus because I know that it works, and it works well.

Trying to create a bootable usb here is impossible with memtest86+ 5.01 iso or installer for usb-key

i use a transcend 8 gb where rufus can't create the bootable drive : "The image is either non-bootable,or it uses a boot or compession method that is not supported by Rufus..."
When i used the auto installer the drive is formated and reported bootable but when trying to boot it goes straight to os.

The USB auto installer should work fine... Have you made sure to set the USB device to top priority in the BIOS?
Have you made sure to set the USB device to top priority in the BIOS?

Of course. Besides i created a boot drive with the same stick for memtest86 as xilolee suggested and it booted just fine. I don't get what is wrong with this...
I forgot to ask if you are overclocking your system: CPU or RAM or GPU.
And if the problem happens also without overclocking.
I saw your other thread on EVGA forum and it seems you are using EVGA Precision XOC.

Hi xilolee. Everything is set to auto in bios so ram is running @1333 only. No overclocking at all. I use Precision XOC as it provides good information except that is an overclocking tool.
Hi Tekno Venus. Couldn't let it run more time... See the uploaded shot. No errors. :bored2: :grin1:


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Hmmm... a new crash. Not bsod just a black screen followed by a restart AFTER waking up from sleep. :wtf:
Here's the new dump but seems the same as before.


I'm not very confident about this, but try to download/install the Intel Driver Update Utility (Latest) 24 Feb 2017 (click) and see if it finds anything (for example, a more recent intel MEI driver).
Already tried that and finds intel chipset device software Upon installation it fails. See the screenshot. It's a known bug(?) that many people experience. The version of the files installed in windows apperars to be the exact previous 10.0.14393.594.
An other usefull release from INTEL :r1:


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