[SOLVED] [Win7 x64] How do i find which security update failed to install?


Active member
Oct 8, 2015
January-2017 Security Monthly Quality Rollup (KB3212646), 1 update failed.
The errormessage only says that: "13 were installed and 1 failed".

But how do i find out which security update failed to install ???

I´m using W7 64-bit.

Update History
only lists "January-2017 Security Monthly Quality Rollup (KB3212646) update failed".

Installed Updates only lists those that were succesfully installed, not the failed....

The whole update is 142.8 MB, so there is a lot of updates, not just from the last month.
So comparing the list of succesfully installed updates against the list of avilable updates from the last month is impossible....
The genius who came up the bright idea of putting all updates into one BIG cummulative update obviously did not think about what would happen if something goes wrong...

If i know which update it was that failed, i can download that update separately and try again.
If that doesn´t work i will at least know which security-problem it should have "fixed", and if i am affected by that problem.

Any ideas ?
Re: How do i find which security update failed to install ?

i can download that update separately and try again.
MS makes it impossible to download one of the updates that is in the bundle and try again.

I install the Security Only Quality Update. In January it was 6.2MB because there was only one security issue. Details are here Microsoft Security Bulletin MS17-004 - Important

You can try installing that
Microsoft Update Catalog

at the very least, you'd know that the security update was installed and the 1 update that failed wasn't one relating to security. (I'm not sure what happens if that update was installed as part of the 14 bundled in the Security Monthly Quality Rollup).
Re: How do i find which security update failed to install ?

No, you are wrong, individual updates can be downloaded.
If you know which one...

The one that failed was a securiy-update...
Read my post above.
I only installed the security-updates.

The whole update is 142.8 MB, so there is a lot of updates, not just from the last month.
Re: How do i find which security update failed to install ?

KB3212646 is a combination of security and non-security updates. 142.7MB
KB3212642 is only security updates. 6.2MB

There was only one security update in January.

The security fixes that are listed in the "Summary" section of this Security Monthly Quality Rollup 3212646 are also included in January 2017 Security Only Quality Update 3212642 . Installing either update installs the security fixes that are listed here. This Security Monthly Quality Rollup also includes improvements and fixes from previous monthly rollups.

Starting in October 2016, you can not install individual patches from the bundles
Starting this month, home and business Windows users will no longer be able to pick and choose which updates to install and which to leave for another time.

There is no place to download an individual KB included in the bundle. It is all or nothing.
Microsoft: No More Pick-and-Choose Patching — Krebs on Security
Re: How do i find which security update failed to install ?

KB3212646 is a combination of security and non-security updates. 142.7MB

KB3212646 is only security-updates.
But cummulative....

KB3212642 is only security updates. 6.2MB

It is only the latest released updates for january.
The difference is that security-updates are now (since october) cummulative, KB3212646 includes all updates from the previous months.

That is not what Microsoft has said...

Anyway, this doesn´t answer my question: "How do i find which security update failed to install ?"
Re: How do i find which security update failed to install ?

Welcome to Sysnative hackerman1 and sorry for the delay. Do you still require assistance?
Re: How do i find which security update failed to install ?

Thank you.
Actually i have been a member since october-2015, but not very active...:wink11a:

Yes, i still need help.
Windows update is useless, it doesn´t tell me which update it is that failed to install.
I assume that the installation of updates is logged, the question is where that log-file is located...?
Re: How do i find which security update failed to install ?

The information is stored in the c:\windows\logs\cbs\cbs.log file.

Can you copy this file to your desktop and then zip/attach it? If it's larger than around ~7MB zipped then you can upload it to somewhere like SendSpace or Dropbox and provide a link.

Note: The CBS.log file will get archived periodically so please make sure to attach the log file from the time you attempted the install which failed. You will see a whole bunch of archived ones in c:\windows\logs\CBS

Re: How do i find which security update failed to install ?

Can you copy this file to your desktop and then zip/attach it?

Here is a "fresh" CBS-log.
I deleted the old CBS-log, tried to install the update, and then immediately copied the log after installation had finished.


Re: How do i find which security update failed to install ?

I see the issue. I need a couple more pieces of info so we can fix.

2017-02-19 19:57:47, Error                 CSI    00000014 (F) c0000033 [Error,Facility=(system),Code=51 (0x0033)] #1291368# from Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::DirectFileSystemProvider::SysCreateFile(flags = (AllowFileNotFound|AllowSharingViolation), handle = {provider=NULL, handle=0}, da = (FILE_GENERIC_READ), oa = @0xc1d738->OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES {s:48; rd:NULL; on:[46]"\??\C:\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\SIGNUP"; a:(OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE)}, iosb = @0xc1d7c0, as = (null), fa = (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY), sa = (FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE|FILE_SHARE_DELETE), cd = FILE_OPEN, co = (FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE|FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT|0x00004000), eab = NULL, eal = 0, disp = Invalid)

Step#1 - System Update Readiness Tool (SUR)
1. Download and run the following file.
2. When it asks you if you wish to install, please answer yes. Note: It could take 15 minutes or more to run. Please don't cancel.
3. You will get an Installation Complete screen when it's done running.
4. Please attach the log from the following location. C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CheckSUR.log
Please Note:: if the file is too big to upload to your next post please upload via a service such as Dropbox or One Drive or SendSpace and just provide the link.
Re: How do i find which security update failed to install ?

That's good actually. One more piece of info please.

Step#1 - Capture Process Monitor Trace
1. Download and run Process Monitor. Leave this running while you perform the next steps.
2. Attempt to install the update again just like you have in the past.
3. Stop Process Monitor as soon as the update fails. You can simply do this by clicking the magnifying glass on the toolbar as shown below.

4. Select the File menu...Save... and save the file to your desktop. This is likely the default location. The name (unless changed) will be LogFile.PML. This is fine.
5. Zip up and attach the LogFile.PML file as well as your CBS.log.
Re: How do i find which security update failed to install ?

This doesn´t work because Process Monitor crashes when i try to save the log....
I have tried twice, with the same result.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BEX64
Application Name: Procmon64.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 5898d7ad
Fault Module Name: Procmon64.exe
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 5898d7ad
Exception Offset: 0000000000084a71
Exception Code: c0000417
Exception Data: 0000000000000000
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: f62c
Additional Information 2: f62c341a95945b58ca4c293c31396fda
Additional Information 3: 16ba
Additional Information 4: 16ba40541b25edee05a758214a66e92a

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Re: How do i find which security update failed to install ?

I checked my filearchive for an older version of sysinternals suite, and found Process Monitor (v3.10), (from 2014).
But same result, it crashes...
Re: How do i find which security update failed to install ?

To be clear, the capture finishes successfully, it's just when you go to save the capture that it fails?
Re: How do i find which security update failed to install ?

OK, then a screenshot will suffice. After the capture completes, click the binoculars on the toolbar and in the find what box type disablewer and click the Find Next button. Once it identifies that line take a screen shot and send to me.
Re: How do i find which security update failed to install ?

I entered disablewer, when i clicked "Find" Process Monitor crashed, again...

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BEX64
Application Name: Procmon64.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 5307a0a7
Fault Module Name: Procmon64.exe
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 5307a0a7
Exception Offset: 0000000000096db4
Exception Code: c0000417
Exception Data: 0000000000000000
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 7b0d
Additional Information 2: 7b0d72ea5a3e3c6f683515565fd696d0
Additional Information 3: 8bf9
Additional Information 4: 8bf9c70da1df3798f6696436d52d4e89

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Windows 7 Privacy Statement

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Re: How do i find which security update failed to install ?

OK, let's fix your registry manually then. Please do the following.

Retrieve Components/Software/System Hives
Note: The Software have has confidential and sensitive information in it so please send me a PM with a link to that particular hive so it's not in the public form.
  • Please download the Freeware RegBak from here: Acelogix Software - Download products
    You will find it at the bottom of the page that the link brings you to.
  • Go ahead and install this program and accept all the defaults. After the last install screen the program should open.
  • Click the New Backup button. Accept the defaults and simply click Start.
  • When it says Finished successfully, click the Close button.
  • This will bring you back to the main screen of the program. You will see one entry in this list with the date that you did it. Right-click on this line-item and select Explore Backup...
  • This will bring you into the folder where the backup was made. You should see a Users folder and a Windows folder along with a couple other files. Double-click on the Windows folder to open it. Then open the System32 folder and then config folder. You should see around 6 files in here, three of which are named COMPONENTS, SOFTWARE and SYSTEM
  • Copy these three files to your Desktop. If the COMPONENTS file does not exist, please fetch it instead from C:\Windows\System32\config\COMPONENTS.
  • Now right click on these files on your desktop and select Send to > Compressed (zipped) folder.
  • Then please upload the zip file(s) to your favourite file sharing website (it will be too big to upload here). Examples of services to upload to are Dropbox or One Drive or SendSpace and then just provide the link in your reply.
  • You can close any open windows you have as well as the RegBack program now.

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