[SOLVED] [Win7SP1 x64] BSOD on my laptop MSI GE60 (i7, GTX 860M)

.... ^^ that means: the game is over for this stick.... :/ ;)

Soon i will take a closer look at some brand new TV-sticks/external TV-cards on the market with driver support for all 3 windows OSs (W7, W8.1, W10).

Thanks a lot for your support in this case guys !!!
cu soon and greets from Germany !!!

Hi, just to mention:

because DVBT was shut of and replaced with DVBT2 HD at least in Ger starting end of march beginning in some Regions and now complete, it also my be that driver stumbled over the new signal as he doesn't know how to handle.

may be, but anyway dvbt is dead some days ago

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