[SOLVED] Windows 10 10586.1511 - OS was reset now NO internet connection


Active member
May 16, 2015
I have a windows 10 v1511 tower computer.

a RESET to the operating system was performed. I set the RESET to keep all files (but remove apps).

After the reset, the system started up O.K.

the WIFI settings were remembered.

The signal strength indicator in the system tray shows internet connection.

IPCONFIG shows a valid IP address, mask, and gateway for the home router.

when I launch a FILE EXPLORER window, I can select "network" and see other computers that are on my home network

However, I CANNOT get access to the internet.

If I try and launch EDGE, the EDGE application briefly opens and then immediately closes

If I open INTERNET EXPLORER, IE displays "this page can't be displayed". Notice it does NOT show the error "you're not connected to a network"

I have turned OFF defender and turned OFF the windows firewall - still can NOT access the internet.

If I use INTERNET EXPLORER and enter the IP address (192.168.xxx.xxx) of my network printer, I can gain access to the built-in web page interface.

Other home computers connected to the same wifi router can access the internet so I do not believe the problem is internet connection related.

So some level of network connectivity is working.

I suspect whatever is causing EDGE to close immediately upon launch is also the cause of computer being blocked from accessing the internet.

anyone have any ideas where to look?
Hi dualopsys

See what happens if you right-click your wireless network icon in the system tray (in Windows 10 called the "notification area") and select "Troubleshoot problems" .... Windows might find and correct the problem for you.
I had tried the "troubleshoot problems". unfortunately windows was not able to automatically resolve the problem.

thanks for posting the suggestion.
If you put your desktop close enough to your network router/modem/gateway device, and connect using an Ethernet cable, do you have Internet service?

P.S. .... any particular reason for the System Reset? (perhaps some underlying issues in the hardware?)
initially, at power up, the computer was reporting: inaccessible boot device.

one of the general recommendations was to perform a system reset.

I performed the system reset (saving user files). The system then started up O.K. but demonstrated the problem that I reported in the first posting.

I then realized that the hard drive was resetting itself, over and over.

I started down the path of getting a new hard drive.

then I tried connecting and reconnecting the sata & power cable to the drive, the drive resetting stopped.

This computer, even though an old model, was purchased new just a few months ago, as a discontinued model.

It has also been transported to and from the owners place of residence a couple of times, so I suspect that the cable was never quite correctly attached and in the process of transporting finally moved enough to create an intermittent connection.

After the drive was back operational, I then did a system reset AGAIN.

the same problem exists... no internet connection, but am able to see computers on my local network. Edge opens briefly and then closes.

I did some additional checking last night using process monitor. Edge briefly opens then calls WERFAULT and then closes down.

As you recommended, I did try and move the tower so that it could be cable connected to the router. This was done after the initial system reset and again, after the drive was fully operational and the system reset had been performed a second time.

the system detects the Ethernet connection, and based on the system tray icon, switches from wifi to Ethernet. To confirm, I disabled the WIFI in device manager. Again, I was able to use Internet Explorer to connect to my printer configuration web page.
addendum to last post:

fyi, I also ran the following:
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
I tried to add a new user from the only existing account.

<control panel>
<user accounts>
<add a new user in pc settings>
with the 'Family & other users' tab selected
<add someone else to this pc>
and the result was:
"something went wrong"
"tray again or select cancel to set up the device later"

...that was an interesting result.
Well, that's a first.

Interesting that the message mentions "setting up a device" rather than an account. I'm going to have to check on that. Another "Windows 10 Age of New Error Messages" discovery journey....

... if you want to go for broke (would rather not find out all the other things that might have gone wrong with the computer both before & after the system reset) ... you could try my Linguistics professor's favorite advice "Let's cut our losses, and move on"..... you could try an in-place Windows 10 reinstall. They don't always work, but when they do, they save a lot of time. As always, make backups beforehand if you decide to try it. The biggest advantage is that it gives you another start over from the beginning shot, somewhat like the reset, but using a newer system image (which might contain bug fixes and improvements that will make the experience better).... Here's a link to instructions for the in-place re-install ---
Repair Install Windows 10 with an In-place Upgrade - Windows 10 Forums

Of course, either way, I'll have a look to see what the "Something Happened" message means while in the Accounts app .... and I'll post what I find here. First, I'm going to need to get a little sleep, go to work, come back, eat dinner ... and after about two and a half cups of coffee I should have found an answer
I have been pondering the "cut and run" strategy.

...although I was going to start by using the built-in system reset (no files kept).

I briefed the reference web page. probably a better option. However, the installed windows 10 was an upgrade from pre-installed windows 8.1
I do NOT have the installation media.

Per the directions on the web page, the installation media with the same BUILD number is required.
The system that I am trying to repair is build 10586.0
I looked at a relative's win10 32-bit tablet and that machine is showing 10586.164.

I am not easily finding information pertaining to the current build number for the get windows 10 download available from Microsoft here:
Windows 10

one would think if MSFT is going to require the same build to perform this type of repair, there would be a MSFT webpage with all prior builds available.
I guess we can only expect so much when in beta-test (sarcasm)
Hi again

Sorry for the delay (I'm getting older and grayer ... and busier, too)

Tell you what, since the system is behaving enigmatically (if the system files used by the reset were on the failing drive, they might not have been in tip-top shape) ... I figure I should recommend what I'd do: a clean install using the very latest Windows 10 build from either the Media Creation Tool, or downloaded from TechBench. That way you know for certain the files will be 100% healthy, and recent enough that you don't have to suffer through lengthy updates.

If you happen to store the personal data files on a separate hard drive, or have an external drive to save them to, that would make the clean install about the same - and arguably a better percentage chance - than the in-place re-install (... and I'm going to have to test that for myself, on one of my tester Win10 laptops, to see if it's really true that it has to be the same build... same bit-depth & same type [home, pro, etc.] certainly, but same build???] I want to see that for myself... I can understand that you wouldn't want to use an older build - but I'm surprised that a newer build wouldn't work)

I apologize that I haven't had a chance yet to check on your error (fascinating, really - I normally expect to see that error when a system is upgrading to Windows 10 from an older version ... not when adding a user) ... Even if you run the clean install, if I find an answer for that error, I'll post it here [since I'm eternally curious] ...
no reason to apologize for the delay... this is a volunteer forum.... thanks for the help !

I committed to the complete restore today.. Went a little further than you suggested.
The factory restore partition was still available so I was able to access the HP restore program thru the F11 repair options at power up.

The machine was reset back to the 8.1 system. I am in the process of letting the automatic updates install.. eventually to include the windows 10 upgrade.

I did back up the important (music... ) files on an external drive.

I am interested in hearing if you find anything regarding the error.

Also, for future reference, was my understanding of the "in place" windows 10 reinstall correct? (ie the broken computer's build number was likely NOT the same build number as currently available via Microsoft.)
The 10586 part is pretty recent, what I'm not sure matters is if it has to be the latest flavor of 10586 (one of my Win10 testers has 10586.164 for version 1511) ...

I'm hopeful that your strategy will work better this time, since Windows 10 will arrive using the latest build right away.
I have a DELL N5050 (my 1st computer) it worked fine w/ windows7, upon upgrade to Windows 10, it performed well for 5 months, now- a complete nothing, I tried the reset to OS 7, tried both saving my files trice, no luck- tried resetting to complete reset (I used the windows 7 reset disk supplied by DELL) it asks for a DELL administrator to log in to use this disk, I tried the "drivers disk" to no avail , plugged into my modem, no internet connection, my reset disk I made gave some hope, but I'm stuck and don't have a clue of the direction to go, I live 80 miles from any large town (where a Best Buy or computer store may be found)- ANY help from you folks who know the workings of my machine , would be greatly appreciated- Thanks Very Much
Hi Wyowoodsmith05 ... and welcome to the forums.

Can you start a new thread (you can copy & paste your question into that). ... members generally receive notices when we reply (so they'd get notices for your replies too)


In the meantime, though ... Look on your Dell computer case for a sticker that shows your "product key" for Windows 7, and copy that down. (While you are looking at case stickers, you can also copy down your Dell "Service Tag" ... it can be handy). Then -- using a different, working, known-clean computer: download Windows 7 directly from Microsoft --- Windows 7

You'll have to provide your product key on that Microsoft page to download Windows 7. If you download an ".iso" file, you can "burn" (record) that onto a DVD. But when the .iso file is "burned" onto the DVD, you must use an option such as "burn image" (this makes the DVD "bootable" [you can start the PC with it]) ... if you don't use a "burn image" option, the DVD won't work to install Windows.

If you use a Windows 10 computer to download Windows 7, all you have to do is right-click the Windows 7 .iso file and select "burn image". If you have a non-Win10 version, use a DVD burning program (most PCs have one)... look for Roxio, Nero, CyberLink, Sonic...(or just ask the owner of the computer what program they use) to create the bootable DVD using a "burn image" option.

You can then put the DVD in your Dell's DVD drive, and restart the computer ... if you are lucky, Windows 7 will show an installation screen. You will want to do a Custom install, completely removing everything else on the drive [you said that you made backups, yes?]. When done, you will have to reinstall all your programs, and restore your personal data from backups. You will likely spend quite a lot of time doing Windows Updates as well.

You might have to press a function key on your keyboard to have the Dell boot from the DVD ... on many Dells, you press down the F12 key when the Dell logo appears during system power on --- then select the CD/DVD drive from the list.

P.S. ... you can also, if you'd like, download Windows 10 directly from Microsoft, and simply enter your Windows 7 product key ... It sounds like a "clean install" would be your likely choice. The procedure is similar to the one for Windows 7, but you would make a Windows 10 DVD rather than a Windows 7 one. Your choice! [and remember ... open a new thread :) ]

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