Well-known member
I wish I had a dollar for every time I've seen this exact problem posted around the web. As a result, I strongly suspect the laptop is going into hibernation here and that's what's causing your problem.
I would second the suggestion made by @axe0 in Post #18. Though hibernation can be effectively disabled via Windows GUI, often settings can be missed in Advanced Power Settings that will override the basic settings many people think are sufficient.
As per axe0's suggestion, in an Administrative command prompt, issue the command "powercfg.exe /hibernate off" and see if the issue is then corrected. If not, then the command can be easily reversed by replacing the /off switch with /on.
Regards, Andrew
I wish I had a dollar for every time I've seen this exact problem posted around the web. As a result, I strongly suspect the laptop is going into hibernation here and that's what's causing your problem.
I would second the suggestion made by @axe0 in Post #18. Though hibernation can be effectively disabled via Windows GUI, often settings can be missed in Advanced Power Settings that will override the basic settings many people think are sufficient.
As per axe0's suggestion, in an Administrative command prompt, issue the command "powercfg.exe /hibernate off" and see if the issue is then corrected. If not, then the command can be easily reversed by replacing the /off switch with /on.
Regards, Andrew