Windows explorer is stuck on a restart loop when booting either either stick or both. The desktop isn't usable as well. Programs when launched from task manager work properly and even the file explorer itself works. It's possible that when I tried to boot into Windows with only the faulty stick that it corrupted a file. Now running Memtest86 v6.3.0 on both sticks in. At this point it is past the amount of time that previous version detected error. I will continue to run it possibly over night to check. If the RAM is definitely faulty in one stick, it is only a year and a half old on a 2 year warranty so I'll get it replaced then proceed to the next step with the one working RAM stick. If the RAM turns out to be okay, I'll have to do what I wanted to avoid, Reinstalling Windows 10, which at this point would have taken less time than the rest of this. Although there are other benefits to reinstalling Windows 10 that I can see so it's whatever.