[SOLVED] Windows 7 - cannot get monthly security rollup updates

Some installed updates are corrupt lets work on that...

Install Update using Dism
  1. Please download KB4467107 http://download.windowsupdate.com/c..._1b77580629590e3fab05e08710e04be358a1f765.msu save the file to c:\windows\temp
  2. change the name of the update file to a smaller name Windows6.1-KB4467107-x64.msu
    (keep the extension .msu in the end of the file name in case its visible if not ignore that)
  3. open the Command Prompt as Administrator (Tutorial)
  4. type or Copy & Paste the following commands line by line:

    cd /d c:\windows\temp
    expand Windows6.1-KB4467107-x64.msu -f:* C:\windows\temp
    DISM.exe /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:C:\windows\temp\Windows6.1-KB4467107-x64.cab

  5. You should receive the message:
    The operation completed successfully.
    Restart Windows to complete this operation.
    Do you want to restart the computer now (Y/N)?
  6. Make sure to allow the computer to restart if prompted.

    If you receive any other message:
  7. Right-click on the Command Prompt window and click Select All, this will invert all of the colors by selecting the text, now press enter. All of this text is now copied.
  8. Paste (Ctrl+V) it into your next post please.

Note: If DISM fails please attach the CBS.log
Good, next.

Install Update using Dism
  1. Please download KB3068708 http://download.windowsupdate.com/d..._1ce8daca73621d47367242d57f4a9fd702d31df9.msu save the file to c:\windows\temp
  2. change the name of the update file to a smaller name Windows6.1-KB3068708-x64.msu
    (keep the extension .msu in the end of the file name in case its visible if not ignore that)
  3. open the Command Prompt as Administrator (Tutorial)
  4. type or Copy & Paste the following commands line by line:

    cd /d c:\windows\temp
    expand Windows6.1-KB3068708-x64.msu -f:* C:\windows\temp
    DISM.exe /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:C:\windows\temp\Windows6.1-KB3068708-x64.cab

  5. You should receive the message:
    The operation completed successfully.
    Restart Windows to complete this operation.
    Do you want to restart the computer now (Y/N)?
  6. Make sure to allow the computer to restart if prompted.

    If you receive any other message:
  7. Right-click on the Command Prompt window and click Select All, this will invert all of the colors by selecting the text, now press enter. All of this text is now copied.
  8. Paste (Ctrl+V) it into your next post please.

Note: If DISM fails please attach the CBS.log
It failed. Here is what it said:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\Guru>cd /d c:\windows\temp

c:\Windows\Temp>expand Windows6.1-KB3068708-x64.msu -f:* C:\windows\temp
Microsoft (R) File Expansion Utility Version 6.1.7600.16385
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Adding C:\windows\temp\WSUSSCAN.cab to Extraction Queue
Adding C:\windows\temp\Windows6.1-KB3068708-x64.cab to Extraction Queue
Adding C:\windows\temp\PkgInstallOrder.txt to Extraction Queue
Adding C:\windows\temp\mpsyschk.exe to Extraction Queue
Adding C:\windows\temp\Windows6.1-KB3068708-x64-pkgProperties.txt to Extraction
Adding C:\windows\temp\Windows6.1-KB3068708-x64.xml to Extraction Queue

Expanding Files ....

Expanding Files Complete ...
6 files total.

c:\Windows\Temp> DISM.exe /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:C:\windows\temp\Wind

Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 6.1.7600.16385

Image Version: 6.1.7601.18489

Processing 1 of 1 - Adding package Package_for_KB3068708~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~
An error occurred - Package_for_KB3068708 Error: 0x80073701

Error: 14081

The referenced assembly could not be found.

The DISM log file can be found at C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\dism.log

Not sure if this counts as DISM failure. So attached cbs.log just in case.


It needs another update first...

Install Update using Dism
  1. Please download KB3003743 http://download.windowsupdate.com/d..._8eccaa54eab26dda30369d118b9cf3aa4a42bc3a.msu save the file to c:\windows\temp
  2. change the name of the update file to a smaller name Windows6.1-KB3003743-x64.msu
    (keep the extension .msu in the end of the file name in case its visible if not ignore that)
  3. open the Command Prompt as Administrator (Tutorial)
  4. type or Copy & Paste the following commands line by line:

    cd /d c:\windows\temp
    expand Windows6.1-KB3003743-x64.msu -f:* C:\windows\temp
    DISM.exe /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:C:\windows\temp\Windows6.1-KB3003743-x64.cab

  5. You should receive the message:
    The operation completed successfully.
    Restart Windows to complete this operation.
    Do you want to restart the computer now (Y/N)?
  6. Make sure to allow the computer to restart if prompted.

    If you receive any other message:
  7. Right-click on the Command Prompt window and click Select All, this will invert all of the colors by selecting the text, now press enter. All of this text is now copied.
  8. Paste (Ctrl+V) it into your next post please.

Note: If DISM fails please attach the CBS.log

If KB3003743 installs correctly then repeat the dism step from post #23
Also the security updates installed successfully now! Seems like things are fixed now.
Thank you a lot for all the aid! Must have been hard work to fix all of those errors. There was thousands of them after all.
So can't thank you enough!

Do you intend to upgrade to Windows 10 now that Windows 7 is no longer supported by Microsoft?
Not on this PC. It's 10 years old so probably wouldn't run too well anyways.
However I am going to build up a new PC soon. So I do wonder if I can use OEM win7 key to activate win10 on new PC?
No, OEM key is bound to the machine hardware only Windows 7 Retail key can be transferred...

For old hardware and depending on what the machine is used for, installing Linux maybe a better option...
Ah that's a bummer.
Linux is a bit too hardcore for me. Specially since I currently use the PC for gaming. Although I plan to give it to my mom once I upgrade.

But thanks for all the help! Good luck for the future problem solving. ;)

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