Windows 7 Ultimate and Windows updates


Dec 8, 2013
Greetings all,

I have a windows 7 ultimate x64 desktop. I have not been able to figure out HOW and why i can not run windows updates. Tells me that they will be installed by a system administrator, YET i am the only user on this computer as Admin from my home. It is not on a work network where things like that would be used.

If anyone has any suggestions, PLEASE let me know. It has been over a year since it had any updates. (i just got it back up and running) I need to get it updated.

Thanks, Kory
Hello Kory, and welcome to Sysnative!

Please download and run this tool from Microsoft:

Click Continue on the first screen, it will appear to hang for a couple of seconds, then when it has completed click Copy and paste the full report here.

Thank you!

Hello Kory, and welcome to Sysnative!

Please download and run this tool from Microsoft:

Click Continue on the first screen, it will appear to hang for a couple of seconds, then when it has completed click Copy and paste the full report here.

Thank you!


Diagnostic Report (1.9.0019.0):
WGA Data-->
Validation Status: Genuine
Validation Code: 0

Cached Validation Code: 0x0
Windows Product Key: *****-*****-X92GV-V7DCV-P4K27
Windows Product Key Hash: aU2z1/fnhnLHmhBm699qYZT2E6s=
Windows Product ID: 00426-OEM-8992662-00400
Windows Product ID Type: 2
Windows License Type: OEM SLP
Windows OS version: 6.1.7601.2.00010100.1.0.001
ID: {CE3F5B62-82CC-4616-A6BF-CC3E79F5C756}(1)
Is Admin: Yes
TestCab: 0x0
WGA Version: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
Signed By: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
Product Name: Windows 7 Ultimate
Architecture: 0x00000000
Build lab: 7601.win7sp1_gdr.110408-1631
TTS Error:
Validation Diagnostic:
Resolution Status: N/A

WgaER Data-->
ThreatID(s): N/A, hr = 0x80070002
Version: N/A, hr = 0x80070002

WGA Notifications Data-->
Cached Result: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
File Exists: No
Version: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
WgaTray.exe Signed By: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
WgaLogon.dll Signed By: N/A, hr = 0x80070002

OGA Notifications Data-->
Cached Result: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
Version: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
OGAExec.exe Signed By: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
OGAAddin.dll Signed By: N/A, hr = 0x80070002

OGA Data-->
Office Status: 109 N/A
OGA Version: N/A, 0x80070002
Signed By: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
Office Diagnostics: B4D0AA8B-604-645_025D1FF3-364-80041010_025D1FF3-229-80041010_025D1FF3-230-1_025D1FF3-517-80040154_025D1FF3-237-80040154_025D1FF3-238-2_025D1FF3-244-80070002_025D1FF3-258-3

Browser Data-->
Proxy settings: N/A
User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Win32)
Default Browser: C:\Users\Kory\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
Download signed ActiveX controls: Prompt
Download unsigned ActiveX controls: Disabled
Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins: Allowed
Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe: Disabled
Allow scripting of Internet Explorer Webbrowser control: Disabled
Active scripting: Allowed
Script ActiveX controls marked as safe for scripting: Allowed

File Scan Data-->

Other data-->
Office Details: <GenuineResults><MachineData><UGUID>{CE3F5B62-82CC-4616-A6BF-CC3E79F5C756}</UGUID><Version>1.9.0019.0</Version><OS>6.1.7601.2.00010100.1.0.001</OS><Architecture>x32</Architecture><PKey>*****-*****-*****-*****-P4K27</PKey><PID>00426-OEM-8992662-00400</PID><PIDType>2</PIDType><SID>S-1-5-21-3022352137-2503035684-1420643129</SID><SYSTEM><Manufacturer>Dell Inc</Manufacturer><Model>Dimension E521</Model></SYSTEM><BIOS><Manufacturer>Dell Inc</Manufacturer><Version>1.1.10 </Version><SMBIOSVersion major="2" minor="4"/><Date>20070611000000.000000+000</Date></BIOS><HWID>0DE83607018400F8</HWID><UserLCID>0409</UserLCID><SystemLCID>0409</SystemLCID><TimeZone>Central Standard Time(GMT-06:00)</TimeZone><iJoin>0</iJoin><SBID><stat>3</stat><msppid></msppid><name></name><model></model></SBID><OEM><OEMID>DELL </OEMID><OEMTableID>WN09 </OEMTableID></OEM><GANotification/></MachineData><Software><Office><Result>109</Result><Products/><Applications/></Office></Software></GenuineResults>

Spsys.log Content: 0x80070002

Licensing Data-->
Software licensing service version: 6.1.7601.17514

Name: Windows(R) 7, Ultimate edition
Description: Windows Operating System - Windows(R) 7, OEM_SLP channel
Activation ID: 7cfd4696-69a9-4af7-af36-ff3d12b6b6c8
Application ID: 55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f
Extended PID: 00426-00178-926-600400-02-1033-7600.0000-3152009
Installation ID: 011025590130090256760170866020647781421243291215394282
Processor Certificate URL:
Machine Certificate URL:
Use License URL:
Product Key Certificate URL:
Partial Product Key: P4K27
License Status: Licensed
Remaining Windows rearm count: 4
Trusted time: 12/8/2013 10:48:29 AM

Windows Activation Technologies-->
HrOffline: 0x00000000
HrOnline: 0x00000000
HealthStatus: PASS
Event Time Stamp: 12:7:2013 18:05
WAT Activex: Registered
WAT Admin Service: Registered

HWID Data-->

OEM Activation 1.0 Data-->

OEM Activation 2.0 Data-->
BIOS valid for OA 2.0: yes
Windows marker version: 0x20001
OEMID and OEMTableID Consistent: yes
BIOS Information:
ACPI Table Name OEMID Value OEMTableID Value
Hello again!

Thanks a lot for that! I am not actually a specialist in this particular area of Windows Update, so I am waiting for somebody else to come online to read that logfile (you're better off waiting for the best than having me taking a guess!), but whilst we wait, can you please tell me where you got this computer from? Did it come from a big system manufacturer (Dell, Acer, Sony, etc.), a small local store, built it yourself, etc.? Also, have you ever made any physical or software (e.g. versions of Windows) upgrades, e.g. did you upgrade this machine from Vista, etc.

Thank you!

I got this one off of the internet. (just a person selling it) Made many upgrades to it. RAM, HDD and OS. And it is a Dell.
Last edited:
I got this one off of the internet. (just a person selling it) Made many upgrades to it. RAM, HDD and OS. And it is a Dell.

Yeah, although I am not the expert here (wait until one of, in particular, NoelDP or tom982 come online), it looks like you have been the victim of counterfeit goods fraud if you were not aware that the copy of Windows you purchased online was illegal.

Windows Update has been deliberately crippled because if you download any updates on this machine it will flag as non-genuine (which would be correct - it isn't genuine). Do you have an alternative version of Windows (your original legitimate copy from Dell) you could use?

Alternatively, we can help you report this issue to Microsoft. They will often help you and will usually provide you with a replacement genuine copy at a much reduced price.

Even better, is there anything you can do to get your money back from the seller? For example, if you purchased it recently through eBay, you may be able to make progress through their dispute resolution service.

Despite your initial suspicions, it's actually counterfeit :) The OEM key is indeed Dell, as is the SLIC table, and this is on a Dell Dimension E521 which all lines up nicely, however this computer was built a long, long time before Windows 7 was released, making it impossible to have an OEM_SLP key as these are added to the computers on the production line. This computer is dated 11/6/2007, and Windows 7 was released on 28/7/2009.

Kory, I suggest you purchase a legitimate license (not off eBay or similar - you'll almost definitely get scammed) and reinstall Windows.
I personally installed the OS, and the updates were working just fine. But then they stopped.

Plus i bought this thing YEARS ago. It had been working fine till the power supply went bad. I just got it replaced.
I personally installed the OS, and the updates were working just fine. But then they stopped.

Plus i bought this thing YEARS ago. It had been working fine till the power supply went bad. I just got it replaced.

It is still non-genuine. Irrespective of whether you paid full price for it, it is not a legal copy of Windows and you should switch to the copy of presumably Windows Vista that came with the PC. It's really a very good OS once you install all of the updates - the horror stories came from pre-SP1 times in particular.


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