[SOLVED] windows 7 update error 80073712 /8007000D

Alright follow the instructions below please.

Uninstall a Windows Update - Command Prompt
Follow the instructions below to uninstall a Windows Update manually via the command prompt.
  • On Windows Vista & 7, click on the Windows Start Menu, then enter cmd in the search box, right-click on the cmd icon and select Run as Administrator
  • On Windows 8, drag your cursor in the bottom-left corner, and right-click on the metro menu preview, then select Command Prompt (Admin);
  • On Windows 8.1, right click on the Windows logo in the bottom-left corner and select Command Prompt (Admin);
  • Enter the command below (you can copy/paste it, to paste in the command prompt, right-click inside it and select Paste):
    • wusa /uninstall /KB:2604115
  • Let me know the outcome of the command: either it uninstall the update or either it says that the update isn't installed on the system;

Uninstall a Windows Update - Command Prompt
Follow the instructions below to uninstall a Windows Update manually via the command prompt.
  • On Windows Vista & 7, click on the Windows Start Menu, then enter cmd in the search box, right-click on the cmd icon and select Run as Administrator
  • On Windows 8, drag your cursor in the bottom-left corner, and right-click on the metro menu preview, then select Command Prompt (Admin);
  • On Windows 8.1, right click on the Windows logo in the bottom-left corner and select Command Prompt (Admin);
  • Enter the command below (you can copy/paste it, to paste in the command prompt, right-click inside it and select Paste):
    • wusa /uninstall /KB:2729452
  • Let me know the outcome of the command: either it uninstall the update or either it says that the update isn't installed on the system;

Uninstall a Windows Update - Command Prompt
Follow the instructions below to uninstall a Windows Update manually via the command prompt.
  • On Windows Vista & 7, click on the Windows Start Menu, then enter cmd in the search box, right-click on the cmd icon and select Run as Administrator
  • On Windows 8, drag your cursor in the bottom-left corner, and right-click on the metro menu preview, then select Command Prompt (Admin);
  • On Windows 8.1, right click on the Windows logo in the bottom-left corner and select Command Prompt (Admin);
  • Enter the command below (you can copy/paste it, to paste in the command prompt, right-click inside it and select Paste):
    • wusa /uninstall /KB:2518869
  • Let me know the outcome of the command: either it uninstall the update or either it says that the update isn't installed on the system;
I'm getting the same again - Windows update standalone installer seemed to find all three updates to uninstall, but comes up with the following message, when trying to uninstall:

" installer encountered an error 0x 80073712 the component store has been corrupted "
Alright follow the instructions below please.

SFCFix - Fix Time

WARNING! The following fix is specific to the user's system in this thread. No one else should follow the instructions below to apply that fix, as it could damage your system. If you need assistance with an issue, please start a new thread and someone will assist you shortly.

Follow the instructions below to download and execute a SFCFix fix, and provide the log.
  • Download SFCFix and move the executable on your Desktop;
  • On your Desktop, right-click and select New, then Text Document. Give it the name SFCFixScript (it should be a .txt) extension;
  • Open the SFCFixScript.txt file you just created, and copy/paste the following in it;
    "p!CBS_package_1_for_kb2518869~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~"=hex:4e,00,00,00,01,00,00,00,50 ,61 ,63 ,6b ,61 ,67 ,65 ,5f ,31 ,5f ,66 ,6f ,72 ,5f ,4b ,42 ,32 ,35 ,31 ,38 ,38 ,36 ,39 ,7e ,33 ,31 ,62 ,66 ,33 ,38 ,35 ,36 ,61 ,64 ,33 ,36 ,34 ,65 ,33 ,35 ,7e ,61 ,6d ,64 ,36 ,34 ,7e ,7e ,36 ,2e ,31 ,2e ,31 ,2e ,30 ,2e ,32 ,35 ,31 ,38 ,38 ,36 ,39 ,2d ,31 ,36 ,5f ,6e ,65 ,75 ,74 ,72 ,61 ,6c ,5f ,4c ,44 ,52 ,34
  • Save any work you have open, and close every programs;
  • Drag the SFCFixScript.txt file over the SFCFix.exe executable and release it;
  • SFCFix will launch, let it complete;
  • Once done, a file will appear on your Desktop, called SFCFix.txt;
  • Open the file, then copy and paste its content in your next reply;
Can you leave a blank line at the end of the code box please, I think this might make copying the code in easier, it only seems to copy what it can see, so I had to complete in stages, I think I copied it all ....

SFCFix version by niemiro.
Start time: 2015-09-04 19:58:10.915
Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 - amd64
Using .txt script file at C:\Users\kevin\Desktop\SFCFixScript.txt [0]

Successfully processed all directives.
SFCFix version by niemiro has completed.
Currently storing 55 datablocks.
Finish time: 2015-09-04 19:58:10.975
Script hash: y2QPnK1uOi3GDMLXbt8fYQFwKmfhwSl129IU4uCWwd8=
That seemed to do something... thanks

SFCFix version by niemiro.
Start time: 2015-09-04 20:12:55.970
Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 - amd64
Using .txt script file at C:\Users\kevin\Desktop\SFCFixScript.txt [0]

Successfully took ownership and permissions for registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\COMPONENTS\CanonicalData\Deployments\d1a25b99ff7..fea6e27ba3d_b77a5c561934e089_6.1.7601.21693_5c7e9364efe1c758.
Successfully imported registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\COMPONENTS\CanonicalData\Deployments\d1a25b99ff7..fea6e27ba3d_b77a5c561934e089_6.1.7601.21693_5c7e9364efe1c758.
Successfully restored ownership and permissions for registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\COMPONENTS\CanonicalData\Deployments\d1a25b99ff7..fea6e27ba3d_b77a5c561934e089_6.1.7601.21693_5c7e9364efe1c758.
RegistryScript:: directive completed successfully.

Successfully processed all directives.
SFCFix version by niemiro has completed.
Currently storing 56 datablocks.
Finish time: 2015-09-04 20:12:56.460
Script hash: cHyMzzALg69aNFXI3d/Fl9Uq2TKc4/gvbUQBg9Q22HQ=
Alright, try to install the updates again. If it fails, upload the two files below for me to review please.

Alright so the only one left is the KB2937610, right? Looks like it couldn't be extracted properly. Here, follow the instructions below please.

SoftwareDistribution - Rename
Follow the instructions below to rename the folders in SoftwareDistribution.
  • On Windows Vista & 7, click on the Windows Start Menu, then enter cmd in the search box, right-click on the cmd icon and select
    Run as Administrator
  • On Windows 8, drag your cursor in the bottom-left corner, and right-click on the metro menu preview, then select Command Prompt (Admin);
  • On Windows 8.1, right click on the Windows logo in the bottom-left corner and select Command Prompt (Admin);
  • Enter the commands below one at the time (press Enter to send it);
    • net stop wuauserv
    • ren %SystemRoot%\SoftwareDistribution\Download DL.bak
    • net start wuauserv
Once done, download and install manually the KB2937610. If it fails, send me the two files again.

Just checked windows update and (KB2937610) is the only update now showing as being needed, so nearly there :rofl12:
Alright, let's pray that it works in one go! :)
hallelujah :dance:

yep, that update loaded and windows update check now shows as up to date - BIG GREEN TICK

Thanks a million for all your time on this , I'll make a donation for the site's coffers
No problem kbrad, you're welcome :) And thank you, we really appreciate it! :)

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