Windows 8.1 BSOD now no boot.


Administrator, Hardware Expert
Staff member
Feb 20, 2012
S.E. Pennsylvania
Dual boot system Win 7(which runs fine) and Win 8 Pro upgraded to 8.1 Pro.

After a update on the 27th Win 8 rebooted to a BSOD flash and restarted to a Repair your PC screen, which of course fails, I tried a refresh which fails since the 8.1 pro install media is not correct nor is the Win 8 Pro media?? Anyone know of a Win8 to 8.1 upgrade media?

System restore to a earlier date did not work either.

Also I don't see a minidump folder are the dumps stored somewhere else or there's just no dump?

Nest step is delete this OS which is looking more and more like a piece of ............. to me and just extend the Win 7 drive back into the space..........
I don't think there will be a MEMORY.DMP to be honest, usually if it's configured for a Kernel Memory dump, then it will also create a Minidump. If it happened at boot, then it may have been too early in the boot process to even create a dump file.
How do I boot into Safe Mode when my computer will not start in Windows 8?

Insert the Windows 8 installation or recovery media (for example, DVD or USB storage device) into your computer. This media is usually included along with the documentation that came with your computer.
Turn on or restart the computer.
To boot the computer from the installation or recovery media, press the appropriate function key.
Follow the on-screen instructions.

Wrench97 said:
After a update on the 27th Win 8 rebooted to a BSOD flash and restarted to a Repair your PC screen, which of course fails, I tried a refresh which fails since the 8.1 pro install media is not correct nor is the Win 8 Pro media?? Anyone know of a Win8 to 8.1 upgrade media?

There is not a F8 Windows safe mode, inserting the media(on USB stick) results in being told the inserted media is incorrect.
Yea that's how I did on this system also, it ran ok til the update the other day, I have since run across a couple others with Win8 telling them the hard drive is failing and needs to run check disk which on one system now results in a no boot and failed self repair.

I'm D/L'ing a copy of Win 8.1 multiple editions now to try on the USB drive.
Ok 3 more failed repair attempts "Refresh your PC without affecting your files" ran, however it may not touch your data files but it does uninstall all your programs and any settings, add-ins, or skins that went along with them so what's the difference between that and complete reinstall??
The old XP repair install was a better solution.

And to top it off I still have no idea of what/which update started it all...............................................
Check Event Viewer for errors (Custom Views...Administrative events)
Event ID 41's will tell you when the system shutdown (unexplained shutdowns)
If a bugcheck doesn't accompany it, it means that a dump file wasn't captured
Most often this is a hardware failure event (I first look for temp problems at this point)

CAVEAT: If a bugcheck accompanies it - that doesn't mean that a dump file was captured.
Analysis of this depends on when the error occurs (and the absence of a dump file).
- If early in startup or late in shutdown it's hit or miss (either hardware or dump file recording mechanisms (which includes early loading drivers).
- If solidly in Windows - then it's either a problem with the dump file recording mechanisms ( BSOD Crash Dump Generation ) or it's hardware

It's either troubleshoot 8.1 or start over and see if 8 behaves normally.

There is no 8.1 upgrade media - although you can use the 8.1 disk (from MSDN/TechNet) - but you'll need a product key for 8.1 (the 8 product key won't work).

Refresh is like the old XP repair install - but enough has changed in the OS that it just doesn't work the same. At work we rarely even bother with it - it just doesn't do the job and it's removing stuff that our customers wanted to keep.

Finally, I'm losing faith in the ability of the "Reset" to function as a wipe and reinstall. We've had a couple of problems at work that have been solved by a wipe and reinstall when a "Reset" didn't work (this is over all of our Win8 and Win8.1 installs)
Te hard drive, temps and hardware are fine, I said the heck with win 8 removed the dual boot and extended the Win7 partition back over where win 8 use to be, Win7 works fine.

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