[SOLVED] Windows 8.1 - SFC, DISM, Windows Updates and Repair Install all failed

More Windows Updates have been released yesterday (Patch Tuesday), that's why you see more available for install. It seems that we are back to the 0x80070bc9 - ERROR_FAIL_REBOOT_REQUIRED. Can you try running the Windows 8.1 setup again to do a Repair Install? I want to see if running Windows Repair AIO fixed anything so it won't crash on you.
It still closes after reaching "Preparing 100%" :( This is while running setup from the DVD, while Windows is running in normal mode.
I haven't tried it yet, but it was going to be my last resort after trying everything else, because as I stated in my first post I don't want to lose any installed programs or their settings. I just feel like there should be a simple reason why the Windows setup is simply closing itself (or something else is closing it) when I try doing a repair install.
Well as a last resort, you could always upgrade to Windows 10, and keep your files, programs and settings.
I have thought of that, but doesn't doing that run the risk of still having the same problem after the upgrade? Also, does any part of the Windows 10 upgrade depend on the Windows Update or system components running properly? I wouldn't want to get halfway through the install and have something fail because of my issues.

I should add that if it was only windows update that wasn't running properly it wouldn't bother me so much, but those issues are preventing me from doing what I really want - which is to install IIS components so I can set up a local web server. I'm assuming that other "Windows Features" I might try to install would fail as well for the same reason.
Upgrading to Windows 10 will solve your Windows Update issues since all the system files are being upgraded, so replaced by clean copies. And you can upgrade using the Media Creation Tool to download the .iso, then mount it and run setup.exe, so it doesn't depend on Windows Update at all.

All your system issues are pretty much solved by upgrading to Windows 10 because a new system is being installed. Quite a few users did this here and it worked out good for them.
OK, I'll try that later this weekend when I have more time.

Should I start off by using the Media Creation tool to download the iso? Or by using the Get Windows 10 icon in my system tray? Of course I will be doing an in-place upgrade versus a fresh install so I don't lose any programs.

One thing that worries me about the in-place upgrade though is a sentence I read in this article about upgrading to Windows 10:

because an in-place upgrade will move over all your installed programs and user data, there is also a chance that any errors that you had in the previous Windows environment will also be ported over to the new installation of Windows.
Errors that are related to the system (like the ones you have right now) won't be ported to Windows 10. Issues due to third-party programs can however (like a program that kept on crashing because of a damaged installation).

And I would start by using the MCT to download the .iso and save it somewhere accessible, yes.
OK, I upgraded my computer to Windows 10, and the windows updates appear to work. I also tried to install IIS and got an error at first, but then I disabled Avast antivirus and tried again and it worked!

SFC and DISM reported no problems as well. Thanks for your help!
No problem ingersoj, you're welcome. Glad to see that your issues have been solved :)

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