The drive is fine, actually I got it cloned to another drive and it is working on it, there is no problem with current drive.
I forgot to mention that before I restored software and system hive from regback folder, I had uninstalled latest quality updates , so that it would fix the boot problem but it did not.
Now, the current problem is probably I used software and system files from regback folder, with could be a bit out of sync with current installed windows files. There might have been windows updates happened later than the taken automatic registry backups. I can send you the problematic sofware and system files. You might want to see which updates they had compared to current one...
You cannot clone Windows PCs, Windows Laptops, or other Windows devices as the "embedded" Windows keycode that comes with the device would cause issues. The version of Windows that comes with most Windows devices is called the Windows OEM Keycode (OEM = Original Equipment Manufacturer, i.e., Del, HP, Sony, Toshiba, etc...
Any devices that you have that you wish "cloned" would require you to purchase a FULL RETAIL VERSION of Windows 10 or Windows 11 and install Windows on each laptop, PC, or Tablet separately as the Windows key codes would differ.
Running a CLONED Windows System will result in the system entering into "Reduced Functionality Mode" at some point when the system and software realize that the version/copy of Windows on the system is "NOT GENUINE".
I am not 100% sure how this works under Windows 10 or Windows 11.
Regards. . .