[SOLVED] Windows Update error 80072f8f


Senior Administrator
Staff member
Mar 4, 2012
My parents Vista computer is experiencing Windows Update error 80072f8f. I've tried a few things to fix it, but at present no results. It's currently running Vista SP1 32bit - manually installing SP2 in an attempt to fix this issue.

I've run sfc /scannow - 1 error detected. comic.tff was corrupted, replaced file with copy from another computer. No more errors detected, I've run sfc /scannow several times since. All fine.

GTE Cybertrust global root certificate re-installed - issue seems to be linked to this certificate. I first tried exporting the certificate and re-installing it - no luck, same errors all round. I also tried using a copy from a Windows 7 64bit computer - also no success. Possible I used the wrong certificate - Win7 seemed to have two with the same name, I copied over one but not the other. Vista just had one.

Any suggestions? I'll see how the computer is after SP2 is installed, and try and do some more digging. I can always re-install the OS but I'd rather not - the only spare license key I have is for Windows 8. I would need to check if it's compatible with the computer - my parents are also more used to Windows Vista/7 so the interface change might be an issue.
Hello :)

Can you please provide CBS logs: https://www.sysnative.com/forums/windows-update/4736-windows-update-forum-posting-instructions.html

This error is a bit of a pain to track down. All the documentation claims it is a time issue only. This it is, but in reality it ranges right from system time, BIOS time, service problems (time related), firewall problems (including at the physical/router level), WSUS configuration (where applicable), etc. etc.

Firstly, please force a sync of system time (right click on system clock > Adjust date/time > Internet Time tab > Change settings > Update now).

If this fails, I most definitely want to know.

Secondly, please verify you can visit this website (microsoft.com over SSL - if you can't, we have our problem): https://www.microsoft.com/

Finally, please verify and correct BIOS time.

Thank you,

Hey Richard - I'll supply the CBS logs when I can. Didn't post before as it's a pain to transfer files from that computer at the moment.

Firstly, please force a sync of system time (right click on system clock > Adjust date/time > Internet Time tab > Change settings > Update now).

Tried that previously - fails each time. SSL also didn't work. However, I've since changed the time manually. Updates are now installing - as soon as they're done I'll recheck the internet time sync and SSL.
Hey Richard - I'll supply the CBS logs when I can. Didn't post before as it's a pain to transfer files from that computer at the moment.

Firstly, please force a sync of system time (right click on system clock > Adjust date/time > Internet Time tab > Change settings > Update now).

Tried that previously - fails each time. SSL also didn't work. However, I've since changed the time manually. Updates are now installing - as soon as they're done I'll recheck the internet time sync and SSL.

Don't worry about the CBS logs. We have found our problem. I don't need them any more.

Firstly, well done for resolving the problem. The system time has be pretty much correct, otherwise digital signatures and the like can't be safely verified (you wouldn't be turning the time back to try to get away with an out of date signature would you!? Windows Update is too clever for that!)

If the time is wrong, SSL can't be verified either. Same reason. Will be interested to hear whether it is successful now.

Finally, the Microsoft Time Servers are not exactly what I would call reliable. In fact, they are downright unreliable. I suggest changing to another server and giving that a try.

If none work, you might have a service problem. Please open a command prompt and type these commands:

net start w32time
w32tm /resync

Any errors from either? Don't worry about the w32time service being stopped. It is normally stopped: it only comes on as necessary. The only question from your computer is whether it comes on when asked.

I know all too well about time and Windows Update. I was working on an old PC the other month and it wouldn't update. Took me ages to realise. . .The time was 6 years out of date! It was showing 2006! :lol:

I realised the CMOS battery was flat, hence not keeping time.
I know all too well about time and Windows Update. I was working on an old PC the other month and it wouldn't update. Took me ages to realise. . .The time was 6 years out of date! It was showing 2006! :lol:

I realised the CMOS battery was flat, hence not keeping time.

Indeed, for the reasons given above, the time has to be correct otherwise it just isn't going to work!
Thanks Richard - I worked out it was a time issue, but I thought the clock was correct. It was reading the correct time/date, just 10 years behind - I saw the 2 on the end and must have assumed it was fine. :banghead:

Time/date is now syncing - the incorrect date broke just about everything, but I don't understand why it wouldn't auto update. Only being able to sync the date/time when the date/time are correct doesn't seem to make a huge amount of sense.

I'll check SSL when I next start it up. It only has 512mb of RAM and running Vista Home Premium, trying to do anything on it takes a fair while.
Thanks Richard - I worked out it was a time issue, but I thought the clock was correct. It was reading the correct time/date, just 10 years behind - I saw the 2 on the end and must have assumed it was fine. :banghead:

Time/date is now syncing - the incorrect date broke just about everything, but I don't understand why it wouldn't auto update. Only being able to sync the date/time when the date/time are correct doesn't seem to make a huge amount of sense.

I'll check SSL when I next start it up. It only has 512mb of RAM and running Vista Home Premium, trying to do anything on it takes a fair while.

The chances are that it never even tried to sync while you were there. Unless the default is changed, which is rare, or someone manually forces a sync, an automatic sync is usually only performed about once a month. This gives plenty of time for a dying CMOS battery to cause havoc.

Even when Windows Update fails due to a time issue, it will not force an immediate time sync, just presents a rather cryptic error message :(

Therefore, do you know whether it actually failed to sync, or just never tried to sync? It should sync correctly even if the time is very incorrect, so usually I would put this description of yours down to the ~1 month automatic syncing internal, or a temporary connectivity problem.

I tried to manually sync the time - gave me error messages every time. Manual sync only started working after I changed the year. Very bizarre.

Merry Christmas!
I tried to manually sync the time - gave me error messages every time. Manual sync only started working after I changed the year. Very bizarre.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to you too :)

I just tried it now, and it appears the Microsoft Time servers have gone down yet again. They are incredibly unreliable, TBH. They seem to spend more time down than up, and no one seems to be responsible for them.

I suspect this was either a temporary connectivity issue, and probably not at your end, or something we will never quite get to the bottom of.

Glad to know everything is working fine now though.


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